General Ledger Table of Contents
Accounts Overview
General Journal Entries Overview
Jobs Overview
Analyzing your job activity
To analyze your job activity
Assigning transactions to jobs
Tip #1: Look for the Job column in transaction entry windows
Tip #2: Don’t forget to assign all line items in a transaction to the appropriate jobs
Tip #3: Remember the jobs for which you’re tracking reimbursables
Billing a customer for reimbursable job expenses
To bill the customer for job expenses
Changing account levels
To change an account’s level
Changing basic account information
To change an account’s basic information
Changing General Journal entries
To change a General Journal entry
To change a recurring General Journal template’s name or frequency
To change a recurring General Journal template’s line items and other information
Changing job levels
To change a job’s level
Changing the reimbursement status of expenses
To change the reimbursement status of an expense
Creating accounts
Step 1: Choose the type of account you want
Step 2: Enter basic information about the account
Step 3: Choose a currency for the account (if you’re using Multicurrency)
Step 4: Enter budgets for the account (optional; detail accounts only)
Step 5: Link the account to a transaction type (optional; detail accounts only)
Step 6: Enter your detail accounts’ opening balances
Step 7: Enter your detail accounts’ historical balances (optional)
Creating General Journal entries
Step 1: Identify the purpose for the transaction
Step 2: Enter the debits and credits for the transaction
Step 3: Choose what you want to do with the transaction
Creating jobs
Step 1: Choose the type of job you want
Step 2: Indicate whether you’ll track reimbursements for the job (detail jobs only)
Step 3: Assign a number to the job
Step 4: Link a customer to the job (optional)
Step 5: Enter details of the job
Step 6: Enter opening balances for the job (detail jobs only; optional)
Step 7: Enter your detail accounts’ historical balances (optional)
Creating recurring General Journal templates
To create a recurring General Journal template
Finding General Journal entries
To find a General Journal entry
To find a recurring General Journal template
Finding jobs
To find a job
Getting reimbursed for job expenses
Tip #1: Become familiar with how various sales types affect reimbursements
Tip #2: Use a “placeholder item” to track reimbursements on item sales
Tip #3: Use a special account to track reimbursements on other types of sales
Inactivating accounts
To inactivate (or reactivate) an account
Inactivating jobs
To inactivate (or reactivate) a job
Printing lists of your jobs
To print lists that contain job-related information
Recording depreciation
To record depreciation
Recording recurring General Journal entries
To record a recurring General Journal entry
Removing accounts
To remove an account
Removing General Journal entries
To remove a General Journal entry
To remove a recurring General Journal template
Removing jobs
To remove a job
Removing reimbursable expenses
To remove a reimbursable expense transaction
Reversing General Journal entries
To reverse a General Journal entry
General Ledger Table of Contents