Tip #2: Use a “placeholder item” to track reimbursements on item sales
If you haven’t already read the Jobs Overview, see Getting reimbursed for job expenses for more information.
When you create an item sale in the Sales window and click the Reimburse button to open the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window, the field at the top of the window will be labeled Reimbursement Item. In this field, you’ll enter the number of an item that serves as a “placeholder item” on your item sales, so you can enter any type of expenses—items or services—on the item sales. This placeholder item isn’t a physical item at all; it merely exists so you can place any of your reimbursable expenses on item sales.
To use a placeholder item, you’ll first need to create it using windows in the Inventory Command Center.
An example of how the “placeholder item” works on item sales
Let’s use an example to further clarify the purpose of the placeholder item. Say you’ve already entered some reimbursable expenses for Job 01, and you’ve already created a placeholder item named “Job Item.”
You’ve also opened the Sales window and begun creating an item sale, and you’ve clicked the Reimburse button in the Sales window to open the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window.
Enter your Job Item in the Reimbursement Item field, then click the Action column for the two reimbursable expenses in the scrolling list. When you’re finished, click the Reimburse button at the bottom of the window.
The Sales window reappears, displaying the two line items that were previously in the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window. Notice that each line item is assigned to your Job Item, as well as to Job 0412.
When you click Record in the Sales window, the reimbursable expenses will be recorded on the item sale. That’s it!
See A special “placeholder item” for tracking reimbursable job expenses in the Items Overview for detailed instructions about creating items.
The Items List window should be displayed.
You can now use the placeholder item to track your reimbursable job expenses on item sales.
Tip #2: Use a “placeholder item” to track reimbursements on item sales
To create a placeholder item