To bill the customer for job expenses

Warning: If you make a mistake when you bill for job expenses

If you use the procedure below, then decide you don’t want to bill a customer for job expenses, you cannot merely click the Cancel button in the sales window to undo this error. These expenses are already considered reimbursed by the MYOB system.

You must use the procedure To reverse job expenses after they’ve been billed to the customer to remove the expense from this sales transaction and restore the “to be reimbursed” status back to the expense.

The Sales window should be displayed.

  1. After entering information about your customer, click the Reimburse button to open the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window.
  2. Click the To Be Reimbursed tab to display the expenses that have yet to be billed to this customer.
  3. Click the Action column for each expense you want to bill the customer. A mark will appear in the Action column for the expense when you click the column; the mark indicates that you intend to bill the customer for this expense.
  4. At the top of the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window is a field whose name depends upon the type of sale you’re currently creating in the Sales window. This field, named either Reimbursement Item or Reimbursement Account, is used to properly track your reimbursements.

    If the Reimbursement Item field is displayed This field appears if you’re currently in the process of creating an item sale in the Sales window. Enter the item number you use to track reimbursements on item sales.

    If the Reimbursement Account field is displayed This field appears if you’re currently in the process of creating a service, professional or miscellaneous sale. Enter the account number you use to track reimbursements on these types of sales.

  1. If you want to mark up the cost of the reimbursement to the customer, review the list of items to be reimbursed. Skip to step 9 if you don’t want to mark up the cost.
  2. Click in the Action column next to each item you want to mark up; an X will appear to indicate the item’s been selected.
  3. Click the Markup button. Make entries in the Markup Information window to indicate the amount or percentage by which you want to mark up the expenses.
  4. Click either the Markup All Items button or the Markup X Items Only button.
  5. Click the Reimburse button. All the expenses whose Action column you marked in step 3 appear in the line item area of the Sales window automatically. These expenses are now considered reimbursed; the next time you open the Customer Reimbursable Expenses window or the Job Reimbursable Expenses window, you’ll notice that the expenses have been moved to the Reimbursed/Removed list.

To bill the customer for job expenses