Tip #3: Remember the jobs for which you’re tracking reimbursables

If you haven’t already read the Jobs Overview, see Assigning transactions to jobs for more information.

Unless you’ve set up an organized scheme of numbering your jobs so you can easily recognize those jobs for which you’re tracking reimbursable expenses, it might not be readily apparent which jobs in your system are your “reimbursement jobs.” Keep in mind, when you’re assigning expenses to jobs, that you may also be building up a list of expenses that need reimbursement sometime in the future.

You can assign reimbursable expenses to jobs in the following windows:

Purchases window You can assign line items from any type of purchase to a job for reimbursement.

Spend Money window You can assign line items on a check to a job for reimbursement, as long as the line items for which you want to be reimbursed are allocated to an expense or cost of sales account.

Write Paychecks window You can also assign line items on a paycheck to a job for reimbursement, as long as the line items for which you want to be reimbursed are assigned to an expense or cost of sales account.

See To bill the customer for job expenses for information about creating sales that bill for reimbursable expenses.

Tip #3: Remember the jobs for which you’re tracking reimbursables