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The Enter Activity Slips window allows you to create activity slips. Activity slips are the records of the activities performed by your company and are the basic recordkeeping unit of the Time Billing Command Center.
To bill your customers for the time you spend performing activities and to print accurate time billing reports, you should enter an activity slip for each activity you perform. The information you enter on activity slips will be used to prepare time billing invoices.
Using the two views of the Enter Activity Slips window, you can enter and record activity slips one at a time (Single Slip Entry view) or you can record several at once (Multiple Slip Entry view).
This view of the Enter Activity Slips window allows you to create detailed activity slips one at a time. This view contains fields for all possible activity slip information. If you can leave the window open while you perform an activity, you can use the timer in this view of the window to track elapsed time for the activity.
Note: In most cases you’ll click the Record button to record an activity slip. However, if you’ve made the minimum number of required entries on the activity slip and you click the Multiple Slip Entry tab, the activity slip you started to create in the Single Slip Entry view will be recorded.
Enter Activity Slips window - Single Slip Entry view