You can use your MYOB software’s Payroll Tax Forms program to print any payroll tax form that you need. Even if you haven’t registered for the MYOB Payroll Forms Service, you will be able to print certified copies of your W-2 and W-3 forms. Until you have registered, however, the Payroll Tax Forms program will operate in “Demo Mode” for all other forms available in the
Select Payroll Tax Form window. When you work in Demo Mode, you can prepare and preview your payroll forms, but you will be able to print only demonstration copies.
Demo forms contain all of the data that you have prepared for a particular form, but they are printed with a large watermark across each page. This allows you to verify the data and formatting of the forms before you prepare the official copies, but makes it necessary for you to manually prepare the copies that you plan to file. The general process for preparing and printing forms is the same, regardless of whether you are registered.
Certified copies of all Payroll Tax Forms must be printed on white bond paper using black ink.