Viewing reports in Microsoft Excel
Creating personalized letters using OfficeLink
OfficeLink templates for personalized letters

Accounting Plus OfficeLink allows you to automatically create word processing and spreadsheet documents using Accounting Plus data. You must be using OfficeLink-compatible word processing and spreadsheet programs.

These products are compatible with OfficeLink:

  • Microsoft Excel Version 7.0 (Office 95), 8.0 (Office 97) and 2000.
  • Microsoft Word Version 6.0, 7.0 (Office 95), 8.0 (Office 97) and 2000.
  • Corel WordPerfect Version 8.0 and 9.0.

Viewing reports in Microsoft Excel

While Accounting Plus provides a wide range of reports and graphing tools, there may be times when you’ll find it more convenient to use Microsoft Excel to create what-if scenarios, budgets and the like. With OfficeLink, you can transfer Accounting Plus reports to Excel as easily as you can print them.

In order to use OfficeLink, you must also be using Microsoft Excel Version 7.0 (Office 95), 8.0 (Office 97) or Excel 2000. In addition, you must have selected to use Excel when you installed OfficeLink. If you haven’t done this already, reinstall Accounting Plus and select to use Excel with OfficeLink during the installation process.

If the Excel button in the Index to Reports window is dimmed, OfficeLink hasn’t been installed properly for Excel.

Modifying OfficeLink templates for Microsoft Excel

To display an Accounting Plus report in Microsoft Excel, Accounting Plus uses a set of special Excel templates, which are installed when you indicate that you use Excel during the Accounting Plus installation process. Each Excel template is associated with a specific Accounting Plus report. You can modify these templates, if you wish.

If you accidentally delete an OfficeLink template for your Excel reports or word processing program’s letters, you can recreate the missing template by reinstalling the Accounting Plus program files. Any missing templates will be added when you reinstall.

Any templates you’ve modified won’t be replaced when you reinstall Accounting Plus. If you wish to replace a modified template when you reinstall Accounting Plus, you must first rename or delete the template you modified. (Refer to the documentation that accompanied your computer for information about renaming and deleting files using your computer’s operating system.)

Creating personalized letters using OfficeLink

From time to time, you may need to send a letter to a customer, reminding him that his payment is late, or perhaps to tell a customer the items she’s ordered are back ordered and will be delayed by a few days. Using OfficeLink, it’s easy to create letters for a single person or several companies—the only requirement is that they have cards in your Accounting Plus Card File.

In order to use OfficeLink, you must also be using an OfficeLink-compatible word processing program. (See OfficeLink Overview for a list of compatible programs.) In addition, you must have selected one or more of these programs when you installed OfficeLink. If you haven’t done this already, refer to your Getting Started manual for general information about reinstalling Accounting Plus to take advantage of OfficeLink’s capabilities.

Even if you haven’t installed OfficeLink, you can create a “mail-merge” file that can be used with your word processing program to create personalized letters. This process is more time-consuming, however. We recommend that you take advantage of OfficeLink’s capabilities if you can. If you choose not to use OfficeLink, see Exporting data from MYOB Accounting Plus for information about creating an export file of Accounting Plus information that can be mail-merged into letters and other documents.

Accounting Plus provides a number of letter templates for you to use. If you wish to make permanent modifications to the templates, see OfficeLink templates for personalized letters and consult the documentation for your word processing program for instruction on doing so.

Using OfficeLink, you can send personalized letters to any person or company for whom you’ve created a card using the Card Information window. You may find this handy for writing collection letters, apologies or notices that your customer’s items have been back ordered.

You can also view a list of all your unpaid receivables—that is, the sales you’ve entered in Accounting Plus that your customers haven’t fully paid yet. When you’ve finished viewing the information, you can create collection letters to send to customers whose payments are overdue.

OfficeLink templates for personalized letters

When you create personalized letters using OfficeLink, you must choose a template for the letter you’re creating for the customers you select.

Changing the OfficeLink templates

The OfficeLink templates are specially designed to work with your Accounting Plus data and your word processing software to create personalized letters. Special entries, known as field codes, have been inserted in these templates to ensure your Accounting Plus data appears in the proper places in your letters. These field codes are similar, but are not the same, as the typical mail-merge field codes that you would normally work with in Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. As a result, we recommend that you don’t make changes to any of the field codes in your OfficeLink templates. Also, if you plan to change your templates, we suggest that you first learn about how your word processing program works with templates.

OfficeLink templates for personalized letters are located in the Letters folder inside the folder in which Accounting Plus is installed. Letters with the extension .DOT are Microsoft Word templates; letters with the extension .WPT are WordPerfect templates. We recommend that you make backups of the existing templates before you begin making changes.

In each template, the format for each Accounting Plus OfficeLink field code is text surrounded by double brackets, like this:


If you intend to manually add or change any OfficeLink field codes, be sure the codes use double brackets in this manner.

Important note about changing templates! You must have extensive knowledge about Word or WordPerfect templates to use the information we’ve provided here. If you don’t feel comfortable with this information, we strongly encourage you to enlist some assistance from someone who is more knowledgeable about templates, such as a Certified Consultant.
Removing prompts for your name and title from OfficeLink templates

When you use OfficeLink to print mail-merge letters using Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, you’ll be prompted to enter your name and title in a dialog box when the letters are created. Your entries will appear at the end of your letters. If you’re the only person who prints mail-merge letters, however, you may wish to remove these prompts and place your name and title in the letter templates you use most often.

OfficeLink Overview