WARNING: You have room to store only x more characters of information on your disk.

If you haven’t already done so, we suggest you read the Troubleshooting Alert Messages Overview.

Situation: The hard disk of the workstation on which your data file is located has very little free space. You won’t be able to enter much (if any) more information in your data file until more free space is available on the workstation’s hard disk.

Solution: Remove some items from the workstation on which the data file is located. You may also want to consider increasing the size of the workstation’s hard disk, since your data file will probably continue to increase in size over time.

Check these additional possible solutions:

Each computer that uses MYOB AccountEdge must have a unique name. Be sure that each hard disk has a different name. Also, be sure that a comma or a period doesn’t appear before the drive name.

Be sure that the name of the shared MYOB AccountEdge folder (the folder that contains the MYOB AccountEdge data file) is no longer than 27 characters long.

Be sure the data file isn’t “locked.” To check to see whether a file is locked, highlight the name of the data file in the Finder, and then choose Get Info from the File menu. If the Locked option in marked, unmark it.

WARNING: You have room to store only x more characters of information on your disk.