Customizing forms

Step 3: Change elements on the form (optional)

Step 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8

Click the element you wish to change:

To change the size of a data field, text field, rectangle or picture
To change the length of a line

To change the text in a text field

To change the font characteristics of a data field or text field on a form

To change the orientation of a line

To change the thickness of a line or rectangle

To change the size of a picture or logo

To change the size of a data field, text field, rectangle or picture

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

There are two ways to change the size of a data field or text field in the Customize window. They are:

  • Use the pointer. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the field you want to change; a solid line appears around it.
  2. A small square, called a “handle,” appears in the bottom right corner of the field. To change the size of the field, simply drag the handle.
  • Change the field’s exact size. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the field you want to change. The Field Information window appears.
  2. In the two Field Size boxes in this window, enter the vertical and horizontal sizes of the field.
  3. Click OK.

To change the length of a line

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

There are two ways to change the length of a line in the Customize window:

  • Use the pointer. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the line you want to change.
  2. Two small squares, called “handles,” appear on each end of the line. To change the length of the line, simply drag either handle.
  • Change the line’s exact length. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the line you want to change. The Field Information window appears.
  2. Change the Line Ends boxes so they reflect the length you want.
  3. Click OK.

To change the text in a text field

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Double-click the text field in the Customize window to open the Field Information window.
  2. Change the text in the Text field of the Field Information window.
  3. Click OK.

To change the font characteristics of a data field or text field on a form

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

Idea: Other ways to change fonts

You can change the default font that appears on every non-customized form by choosing Default Fonts from the File menu, or by clicking the Forms button that appears in the Reports & Forms view of the Preferences window. See To change the font characteristics of all data fields or text fields on all non-customized forms for a step-by-step procedure.

You can change the font characteristics for more than one field on a form by using the SHIFT key. See To change the font characteristics of several data fields or text fields on a form for a step-by-step procedure.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Double-click the field you want to change. The Field Information window appears.
  2. Make your choices in the Justify, Font, Size and Style fields in this window.
  3. Click OK.

To change the font characteristics of several data fields or text fields on a form

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

  1. Holding down the SHIFT key, click the fields you wish to change. (A box will appear around each field you’ve selected.)
  2. Choose Change Fonts from the Form menu.
  3. In the Change All Fonts window, choose the Font, Font style and Size you wish.

To change the font characteristics of all data fields or text fields on all non-customized forms

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

  1. Choose Default Fonts from the File menu.
  2. Click the Forms button.
  3. Choose the font and size you wish and then click OK.

To change the orientation of a line

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Double-click the line in the Customize window to open the Field Information window.
  2. Make entries in the Line Begins and Line Ends boxes.
  3. Click OK.

To change the thickness of a line or rectangle

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Double-click the line or rectangle in the Customize window to open the Field Information window.
  2. Choose a thickness in the Line Size or Frame Size section of the Field Information window.
  3. Click OK.

To change the size of a picture or logo

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Click the picture or logo to select it. A thin border will appear around it, and a small black square, called a “handle,” will appear in the lower right corner.
  2. Place the mouse pointer over the handle and press and hold the mouse button. The pointer should change to a plus sign (+).
  3. Continue to hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse; the size of the picture will change as you move the mouse. When the picture is the size you want, release the mouse button.

Although you can’t edit a picture in AccountEdge (other than to change its size), you can replace an existing picture with a different picture. If you need to edit a picture, you’ll need to use a graphics program to do so; after the picture is edited, you can then replace the old picture with the edited picture.

Customizing forms - Step 3