Customizing forms

Step 2: Add elements to the form (optional)

Step 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8

Click the element you wish to add:

To add a text field to a form
To draw a line on a form

To draw a rectangle on a form

To add a picture or logo to a form
To add a data field to a form

To activate a data field

To copy and paste a data field

To add a text field to a form

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you want to customize should be displayed.

  1. Click the text tool (it’s an icon with the letter A on it, and it appears at the bottom of the window), then click the location on the form where you want the new text field to appear. A new text field, labeled “Text Field,” appears.
  2. Double-click the new field to open the Field Information window.
  3. In the Text field of the Field Information window, enter the characters you want to use in the text field you created
  4. Click OK to close the Field Information window. The new field will be displayed in the Customize window.

If the text you entered is longer than the size of the new text field, you may need to change the size of the text field. See To change the size of a data field, text field, rectangle or picture to learn about changing the size of a text field.

To draw a line on a form

The customize window for the form you want to customize should be displayed.

  1. Click the line tool (it’s an icon with a cross on it, and it appears at the bottom of the window), then click the location on the form where you want the line to begin; a cross appears on your computer screen.
  2. Drag the cross to where you want the line to end, then release the mouse button.

To draw a rectangle on a form

The customize window for the form you want to customize should be displayed.

  1. Click the rectangle tool (it’s an icon with a rectangle on it, and it appears at the bottom of the window), then click the location on the form where you want the top left corner of the rectangle to appear; a cross appears on your computer screen.
  2. Drag the cross to where you want the bottom right corner of the rectangle to appear, then release the mouse button.

To add a picture or logo to a form

We suggest you read Adding a picture or logo to a form in the Forms Overview for additional information about this topic.

To paste a picture into a form
  1. Using whatever graphics program you normally use, copy the graphic to the Clipboard.
  2. In MYOB AccountEdge, click the picture tool in the Customize window and then click the location on the form where you want the picture to appear. A picture field appears.
  3. Double-click the picture field to open the Field Information window. Press COMMAND+V (the keystroke for the Paste command); the graphic appears.

    If your graphic doesn’t appear, be sure the graphic has been copied to the Clipboard.

  1. Click OK.
To load a picture into a form
  1. In MYOB AccountEdge, click the picture tool in the Customize window (it’s an icon with a picture frame; it appears at the bottom of the window). Then click the location on the form where you want the picture to appear. A picture field appears.
  2. Double-click the picture field to open the Field Information window. Click the Load button; the Open dialog box appears.
  3. Using the Open dialog box, Highlight the PICT image you want to use and click Open. The image appears in the Field Information window.
  4. Click OK.

To add a data field to a form

You can’t -- and probably don’t need to -- add data fields to a form. Each form is supplied with an extensive array of data fields that apply to the form’s purposes. However, you might be able to serve your needs by activating or pasting a copy of a data field on a form. To do this, use To activate a data field and To copy and paste a data field. To view all of the fields -- both active and inactive -- that are available on a form display the Customize window for that form. If you need help doing this, see Open the form in the Customize window.

To activate a data field

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Double-click the field you want to activate.
  2. Mark the Active selection in the left side of the window.
  3. Click OK.

To copy and paste a data field

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Customizing forms for more information.

The customize window for the form you wish to customize should be displayed.

  1. Click the data field once to select it.
  2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
  3. If you want to paste the data field onto another form, display that form in the Customize window.

Note: Pasting data fields onto other forms

You can copy a data field and paste it onto another form, but only if the form onto which you’re pasting is the same type of form as the form from which you copied the field. For example, you can copy a data field from a plain-paper item sale to a customized item sale, but you can’t copy a data field from an sale form to a statement form.
  1. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. A copy of the data field will appear in the window.

Customizing forms - Step 2