Inventory Table of Contents
Items Overview
Inventory Adjustments Overview
Inventory Transfers Overview
Adjusting item quantities and unit costs
To adjust an item’s quantity and unit cost
Adjusting item total values and costs
To adjust an item’s total value and unit cost
Auto-building items
To auto-build an item
To auto-build an item using the To Do List
Changing items
To change basic item information
Counting inventory items
To count your inventory items
Creating items
Step 1: Create the type of item record you need
Step 2: Enter the item’s opening quantity and value
Entering additional details and custom information to items
To enter historical information about an item
To enter a description of an item
To display a picture (or change the picture you display)
To remove a link to a picture
To enter pricing level information for an item
To copy pricing level informationfrom another item record
Finding inventory adjustments and transfers
To find an inventory adjustment
To find an inventory transfer
Making inventory adjustments
Step 1: Identify the inventory adjustment
Step 2: Enter the details of the inventory adjustment
Step 3: Choose what you want to do with the transaction
Making inventory transfers
Step 1: Identify the inventory transfer
Step 2: Enter the inventory transfer’s components
Step 3: Enter the inventory transfer’s finished items
Step 4: Balance the transaction
Step 5: Choose what you want to do with the transaction
Removing items
To inactivate (reactivate) items
To remove items
Inventory Table of Contents