Making inventory transfers
Step 4: Balance the transaction
If you haven’t already read the Inventory Transfers Overview, see Making inventory transfers for more information.
When you finish entering components and finished items in the scrolling list, take a moment to review the Out of Balance field below the scrolling list.
Before you can record the transaction, the amount in the Out of Balance field must be $0.00. If the dollar amounts you’ve entered in the transaction don’t balance, adjust the total value of one of the line items—most likely, you’ll want to adjust a finished item instead of a component—in the Amount column, until $0.00 appears in the Out Of Balance field.
You can enter any amounts and quantities in the scrolling list. However, keep in mind that if you make disproportionate entries in a component’s Quantity and Amount fields—for example, if you indicate that 10 nails are worth $1,000—you could adversely affect the total value of the remaining components that aren’t part of this transaction. Therefore, be careful when you attempt to balance your inventory transfers.
Making inventory transfers - Step 4