Step 1: Create the activity of the type and status you need
Step 1 > 2
If you haven’t already read the Time Billing Activities Overview, see Creating activities for more information.
To create an hourly, chargeable activity
To create a non-hourly, chargeable activity
To create an hourly, non-chargeable activity
To create a non-hourly, non-chargeable activity
To create an hourly, chargeable activity
The Activity List window should be displayed.
Otherwise, click the OK button to add the activity to your records and close the Activity Information window. The Activity List window will appear; the new activity will be displayed in the list.
To create a non-hourly, chargeable activity
The Activity List window should be displayed.
Otherwise, click the OK button to add the activity to your records and close the Activity Information window. The Activity List window will appear; the new activity will be displayed in the list.
To create an hourly, non-chargeable activity
The Activity List window should be displayed.
To create a non-hourly, non-chargeable activity
The Activity List window should be displayed.
At this point, you’ve entered the activity’s profile. Since you won’t have sales history to enter for an unchargeable activity, click the OK button to add the activity to your records and close the Activity Information window. The Activity List window will appear; the new activity will be displayed in the list.
Creating activities - Step 1