To remove a customer payment

If you haven’t already read the Customer Payments Overview, see Finding, removing and reversing customer payments for more information.

Use this procedure only if your transactions are changeable. See What are changeable and unchangeable transactions? for more information.

Note: If the payment was recorded on a bank deposit of grouped undeposited funds

If you wish to remove a payment that was recorded on a bank deposit of receipts grouped in the undeposited funds account, you must first remove the bank deposit.

After the bank deposit has been removed, payments that were included on the bank deposit can be removed.

To learn how to remove a bank deposit of undeposited funds, see To remove a bank deposit for undeposited funds transactions

  1. The payment you want to remove should be displayed. If you need help doing this, see To find a customer payment.
  2. Choose Delete Payment from the Edit menu.

To remove a customer payment