Fields in this window

Accounts Receivable Linked Accounts window

Asset Account for Tracking Receivables

The Asset Account for Tracking Receivables field in the Accounts Receivable Linked Accounts window allows you to enter an asset account that tracks the money that people owe you for sales. This required account typically is usually named “Accounts Receivable” or something similar.

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your linked receivables account.

Checking Account for Customer Receipts

The Checking Account for Customer Receipts field in the Accounts Receivable Linked Accounts window allows you to enter an asset account that tracks the money you’ve received from people for sales, and from which you write refund checks to customers. This required account is usually named “Checking Account” or something similar.

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your receivables checking account.

I charge freight on sales -- Income Account for Freight

If you mark I charge freight for sales, the Income Account for Freight field appears. This field allows you to enter an income account that tracks the freight charges you collect in your sales.

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your freight collected account.

I track deposits collected from customers -- Liability Account for Customer Deposits

If you mark I track deposits collected from customers, the Liability Account for Customer Deposits field appears. This field allows you to enter a liability account that tracks deposit amounts you collect for sales orders.

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your linked customer deposits account.

I give discounts for early payments -- Expense or Cost of Sales Account for Discounts

If you mark I give discounts for early payments, the Expense or Cost of Sales Account for Discounts field appears. This field allows you to enter an account that tracks discount amounts that you’ve provided to your customers for paying their bills early. (The type of account you select in this field depends upon what purpose you consider discounts serve in your business. If you think discounts increase the cost of making a sale, enter a cost of sales account here. If you think discounts are promotional expenses, enter an expense account here.)

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your linked customer discounts account.

I assess charges for late payment -- Income Account for Late Charges

If you mark I assess charges for late payment, the Income Account for Late Charges field appears. This field allows you to enter an income account that tracks finance charge amounts that you’ve collected from customers who haven’t paid their bills on time.

In MYOB Accounting Plus documentation, this account is referred to as your linked customer late charges account.

Terms button

Click this button to open the Credit Terms window, where you can create a set of default credit terms for all customers in the MYOB Accounting Plus system.

When you create a set of default terms using the Credit Terms window here, the terms you select will be automatically applied to every new customer record you add to the Card File. (The terms of existing customers will remain the same.) If you wish, you can change the terms assigned to an individual customer in the Selling Details view of the Card Information window.

You also can use this window to specify the sales tax code that applies most often to your customers; this sales tax code will appear as the default entry for all new customer records you add to the Card File. (As with terms, the sales tax codes you’ve assigned to existing customers will remain the same.) If you wish, you can change the sales tax code assigned to an individual customer in the Selling Details view of the Card Information window.

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries you’ve made in this window.

Fields in the Accounts Receivable Linked Accounts window