To record unrealized gains and losses
Print the Currency – Unrealized Gain/Loss Report, then complete the following steps:
The General Journal Entry window should be displayed.
If the account is an asset account
If the Currency – Unrealized Gain/Loss Report shows a currency gain for a checking account or another asset account, credit the Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss account, and enter an equal debit amount for the exchange account associated with the asset account. (The Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss account should be an expense account.)
If the Currency – Unrealized Gain/Loss Report shows a currency loss for the asset account, debit the Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss account, and enter an equal credit amount for the exchange account associated with the asset account.
If the account is a liability or equity account
If the Currency – Unrealized Gain/Loss Report shows a currency gain for a liability or equity account, credit the Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss account, and enter an equal debit amount for the exchange account associated with the liability or equity account.
If the Currency –Unrealized Gain/Loss Report shows a currency loss for the liability or equity account, debit the Unrealized Currency Gain/Loss account, and enter an equal credit amount for the exchange account associated with the liability or equity account.
To record unrealized gains and losses