To display a picture (or change the picture you display)

  1. Choose where you wish to display the picture:
  • If you want to link a picture to an item, highlight the item in the Items List window and click Edit.
  • If you want to link a picture to a card, highlight the card in the Cards List window and click Edit.
  1. Depending on your selection in step 1, click the Item Details tab or the Card Details tab.
  2. Double-click the text “Double click in this area to link to a picture file.” The Picture Information window appears.
  3. Click Link. Using the dialog box that appears, locate the bitmap file you want to display for this item and then click OK or Open. The dialog box closes and the graphic appears in the box at the right.
  4. Click OK in the Picture Information window.

Note: Graphics files aren’t stored in your data file
Graphics files aren’t stored in your data file. They’re stored in the Graphics folder in the directory where your data file is located. If the graphic you link to an item or card record in the Picture Information window isn’t already located in the Graphics folder, a copy of the graphics file you select is placed in the Graphics folder. If you move your data file, you must move the Graphics folder to the same location if you want to display graphics in the Item Information window or Card Information window.

To display a picture (or change the picture you display)