To prepare to upgrade your current data file for use on your peer-to-peer network

Before you begin the upgrading process, you should be sure that the following conditions exist:

  1. If you haven’t already done so, install MYOB Accounting Plus Version 10 on each workstation that will be used to run Accounting Plus. Use the instructions in your Getting Started manual to learn how to do this.

When you’re installing the product, keep in mind that it must be installed on the computer you plan to use to upgrade your data file.

  1. After you’ve installed Accounting Plus on all your workstations, be sure you know on which workstation your data file is currently located.
  2. Next, choose the workstation where your Accounting Plus Version 10 data file should be located. The workstation you choose will need to be accessible to all Accounting Plus users after you’ve upgraded the file.

To help you decide which workstation will be used to store your data file, ask yourself the following questions about how your company plans to use Accounting Plus:

  • Which workstation on your network is the most powerful? As is the case with most computer programs, Accounting Plus can be used most efficiently on workstations that have higher amounts of free hard disk space and random access memory (RAM). You may want to consider placing the upgraded data file on your company’s most powerful computer.
  • Which workstation will use Accounting Plus the most? If one employee at your company will use Accounting Plus more than anyone else, you might want to consider placing the upgraded data file on that employee’s workstation. Doing this will increase the speed with which that employee can perform his or her accounting tasks.
  • What are the job functions of each person who will use Accounting Plus? For example, a data-entry clerk who enters and changes information in Accounting Plus throughout the workday will require more computer “horsepower” than a manager who merely views the company’s financial data from time to time. Placing the data file on the clerk’s workstation and ensuring that the clerk’s workstation is a more powerful machine than the manager’s will increase the efficiency of your company’s Accounting Plus activities.
  1. If your current data file isn’t located on the workstation you chose in the previous step, copy the data file to that workstation.
  2. Once the data file is at the proper workstation, be sure you know the exact location of the data file on the workstation (for example, C:\MYOB\AccountEdgeV10) so you can find it easily during the upgrade process. Use Windows Explorer to see the exact location of the data file.
  3. Finally, you may want to check to see that all workstations have full (read/write) access to the location you choose; in other words, be sure that all workstations are allowed to make changes to files within the location you select.

To prepare to upgrade your current data file for use on your peer-to-peer network