Creating cards
Profile and Card Details views
Selling Details view (customer cards)
Buying Details view (vendor cards)
Payroll Details view (employee cards)
Payment Details view (customer cards)
Contact Log view
Jobs view (customer cards)
History view (customer, vendor and emplyee cards)
An important procedure to perform after creating customer and vendor cards
Changing, removing or inactivating cards
See also Business Contacts Overview

In MYOB Accounting Plus, cards are the records of every person and company you do business with. There are four types of cards: customer, vendor, employee and personal. You’ll assign a card to each transaction you enter into the MYOB system. You’ll enter information about the customer, vendor, employee and personal contact in the Card Information window that will be automatically entered when you use the card to create transactions throughout Accounting Plus.

Creating cards

Step 1: Select the type of card you need and enter card details
Step 2: Enter selling, payroll and buying details (customers, employees and vendors only)
Step 3: Enter payment details (customers)
Step 4: Make a Contact Log entry
Step 5: Enter Jobs (customers)
Step 6: Enter history for customers, vendors and salespeople
Step 7: Add the card to your records
Step 8: Enter historical sales for customers
Step 9: Enter historical purchases for vendors

Creating the type of card you need

You can create four types of cards. Read the following information carefully, so you’re sure you’re creating the card you need.

  • Customer cards are records of the people and companies to whom you sell your company’s items and services. You’ll assign customer cards primarily to sales, such as invoices, in the Sales window.
  • Vendor cards are records of the people and companies from whom you buy items and services. You’ll assign vendor cards primarily to purchases, such as bills, in the Purchases window.
  • Employee cards are records of the people who work for your company.
  • Personal cards are records of all the other people you do business with. Most likely, you won’t perform transactions in Accounting Plus with personal cards; however, you may want to keep personal cards to track your business contacts, or you might want to keep your own list of friends and family using personal cards.

You’ll create cards in the Card Information window. The window has seven possible views -- Profile, Card Details, Selling/Buying/Payroll Details, Payment Details, Contact Log, Jobs and History. When a card type is chosen you’ll be able to enter information in the views that apply to the card type.

Profile and Card Details views

The Profile and Card Details views are available for all types of cards. The information you enter in the two views -- and in other views where applicable -- will be entered automatically when you enter the card on transactions throughout Accounting Plus.

To create a card, you must enter a card name. You may enter up to 15 alphanumeric characters for a Card ID. If you choose not to enter a card ID, the Card ID field displays *None. In the Windows view of the Preferences window, you can choose to search a list of cards using either a card name or a card ID. (Choose Preferences under the Setup menu to view Windows preferences.)

While many of your contacts may have one location where all of their business transactions take place, you may have other contacts whose accounting office -- where invoices are paid, for instance -- is located in another building or another town. You may enter up to five locations for each card. You can choose to enter the mailing address -- including country name, telephone number, email address and other contact information for each location. When you create transactions, you’ll choose one of the five locations and the information for that particular location will be used on the transaction.

If you wish to sort your cards into a listing of those customers to whom you wish to send your latest mailing, for instance, you can use an identifier to indicate the cards that should be included on the mailing list. Identifiers can be entered on the Card Details view. Use this view to also make Custom Lists and Fields entries for your customers, vendors, employees and personal contacts. For information about using identifiers and custom lists and fields, see Using identifiers and Using custom lists and fields.

If you wish to add a picture of each of your employees or if you wish to display a picture that shows the progress of the project your working on for the customer, for instance, you can link a graphic on the Card Details tab. For more information about linking a graphic, see Linking a picture to an item or card record.

Assigning a currency to customer, vendor and employee cards

If you’re using the Multicurrency feature, you can assign a currency other than your home currency to the customer or vendor card if you conduct business together in a currency other than your home currency. The currency field is located on the Profile tab of the Card Information window. Be careful in your selection, however, once you begin recording transactions for the customer or vendor, you won’t be able to change the selection you’ve made in the Currency field.

If you assign a foreign currency to the customer, the sales to the customer will appear in the customer’s currency. For example, if you indicate that a particular customer uses British pounds, all sales invoices for that customer will be recorded in British pounds. Payments received from the customer also must be in the customer’s currency. In the same way, if you assign a foreign currency to the vendor, the purchase orders for the vendor will appear in the vendor’s currency. For example, if you indicate that a particular vendor uses British pounds, all purchases from that vendor will be recorded in British pounds. Payments to the vendor also must be in the vendor’s currency.

You can assign a currency other than your home currency to an employee if you like -- but only if you don’t plan to record payroll checks for the employee using Accounting Plus. If you plan to record payroll checks for the employee using Accounting Plus, you must select your home currency for the individual.

Selecting a foreign currency may be useful if the employee is a salesperson who makes all of his or her sales in another currency -- British pounds, for example -- and you don’t plan to use Accounting Plus to pay the employee. When you print reports that show individual salespeople’s sales amounts, the amount will be displayed in whatever currency has been assigned to the salespeople.

Since only one currency can be assigned to an employee, we recommend that you use your home currency for any employees who may make sales in more than one currency. You’ll be able to assign these employees to any transactions you like. If you assign a foreign currency to an employee, however, you’ll be able to include the employee only in transactions that use that currency. For more information, see Multicurrency Overview.

Selling Details view (customer cards)

The selling information you enter will be used when entering sales for customers. Enter the sales layout you use for each customer and that layout will display when you enter the customer’s name in the sales window. Similarly, by making an entry in the Printed Form field, that form will be used when printing the sale for the customer. If you use a service layout for your customers and use the same account number when you enter sales for this customer, you can choose to enter the account in this view and the account number will be automatically entered when you enter line items on the sale. You can change the automatic customer entries if you wish.

If the rate you charge for time billing activities depends upon the customer you’ve performed the activity for, you can assign an activity rate to your customer cards.

If you’ve set up multiple price levels for the items you sell using the Pricing Information tab of the Item Information window, you can select the appropriate price level for each customer. When you make sales, the prices that appear in the Sales window will be based on the selection you’ve made here.

If you’re required to collect taxes from the customer, or pay taxes to the vendor, you can specify a tax code for the customer or vendor. When you enter the customer card on a sale or the vendor card on a purchase, the tax code you enter here will be entered automatically.

Assigning credit terms to your customers

The credit terms you assign to your customers -- and those your vendors assign to you -- are rules that govern the number of days between delivery and payment, discounts for early payment and penalties for late payment. You can set specific credit terms for each customer using the Customer Terms Information section of the Selling Details view; you can set specific credit terms for vendors using the Vendor Terms Information section of the Buying Details view.

After you set up credit terms, discounts based on the terms are automatically calculated when you enter sales and purchases. (You can change the terms and discount amounts for individual sales or purchases, if you need to.)

Similarly, after you set up credit terms, finance charges based on those terms are automatically calculated beginning the day after a transaction’s balance due date. Your customers’ finance charges can be printed on their monthly statements, if you want.

Idea: You can set up credit terms for all new customers and vendors
If you wish to establish a set of credit terms for your new customers and your new vendors, you can use the Preferences window to do so. To do this, use the To change the default credit terms for new customers or To change the default credit terms for new vendors procedure.

The terms you set in these windows will be applied only to new customer and vendor cards you create. For customer cards already created, credit terms can be assigned in the Selling Details view of the Card Information window; for vendor cards already created, credit terms can be assigned in the Buying Details of the Card Information window.

Buying Details view (vendor cards)

The buying information you enter here will be used when entering bills for a vendor. Enter the purchase layout for each vendor and the layout you choose will display when you enter the vendor’s name in the purchases window. Similarly, by making an entry in the Printed Form field, that form will be used when printing the purchase for the vendor. If you use a service layout for your vendors and use the same account number when you enter purchases for this vendor, you can enter the account in this view and the account number will be automatically entered when you enter line items on the purchase. You can change these automatic vendor entries if you wish.

If the rate you charge for time billing activities depends upon the vendor who performs the activity, you can assign an activity rate to your vendor cards. You can also track the cost of performing activities by entering an estimated cost per hour for your vendors.

You’ll use the Vendor Terms Information section to enter credit terms and to indicate how discounts should be calculated for the purchases you enter. Using the Tax Code field, choose a tax code for the vendor if you are required to collect tax on purchases made from the vendor. See Assigning credit terms to your customers for more information.

Note: To report payments on a 1099
In order to report vendor payments on a 1099, choose how you wish to report the payments by using the Report Payments on 1099 as field of the Buying Details view of the Card Information window.

In order for the Report Payments on 1099 as field to be available, the setup of payroll must be complete. Click Setup on the menu bar and choose Load Payroll Tax Tables to load payroll tax tables; choose Setup and choose General Payroll Information to enter your payroll information.

Assigning credit terms to your vendors

The credit terms you assign to your customers -- and those your vendors assign to you -- are rules that govern the number of days between delivery and payment, discounts for early payment and penalties for late payment. You can set specific credit terms for each customer using the Customer Terms Information section of the Selling Details view; you can set specific credit terms for vendors using the Vendor Terms Information section of the Buying Details view.

After you set up credit terms, discounts based on the terms are automatically calculated when you enter sales and purchases. (You can change the terms and discount amounts for individual sales or purchases, if you need to.)

Idea: You can set up credit terms for all new customers and vendors If you wish to establish a set of credit terms for your new customers and your new vendors, you can use the Preferences window to do so. To do this, use the To change the default credit terms for new customers or To change the default credit terms for new vendors procedure.

The terms you set in these windows will be applied only to new customer and vendor cards you create. For customer cards already created, credit terms can be assigned in the Selling Details view of the Card Information window; for vendor cards already created, credit terms can be assigned in the Buying Details of the Card Information window.

Payroll Details view (employee cards)

If you’re creating an employee card, it’s very important that you fully set up the employee’s payroll information before you begin writing paychecks to the employee. Also, before you enter payroll information about an employee, be sure your payroll linked accounts and payroll categories are properly set up. See Payroll Categories Overview to learn about payroll categories.

Choose a work code and residence code that will be used when calculating amounts on a paycheck and enter other employment information for your employees using this view. A work and residence code must be selected in order to use an employee card on a paycheck. Use the Payroll Details view to access the Employee Payroll Information, Pay History, Accrual Balances and Time Billing Employee Setup windows.

When you click the Info button to open the Employee Payroll Information window, you can assign wages, deductions and employer expenses.

Click the History button to open the Pay History window. Use the window to enter pay history for the pay periods that occurred before you started using Accounting Plus. When you start recording paychecks using Accounting Plus the amounts of the paychecks are automatically added to this window and are displayed on some reports.

Warning: If you change a card’s pay historyAccounting Plus uses the figures displayed in the Pay History window on some reports. If you change a card’s pay history in this window, keep in mind that the change you make may not accurately reflect your actual totals.

Use care when making changes to the amounts displayed in this window. If you make a change and then want to use the previous amount, Accounting Plus can’t automatically reconstruct the monthly totals.

When you click the Accruals button accrual balances will be displayed. Carry-over amounts can be changed, if necessary.

If the rate you charge for time billing activities depends upon the employee who performs the activity, you can assign an activity rate to your employee cards by choosing the Time Billing button. You can also track the cost of performing activities by entering an estimated cost per hour for your employees.

Payment Details view (customer cards)

Use this view to enter details about the usual method that this customer uses when paying for items and services. The method and related information you enter will appear on payment transactions for the customer. You may change the payment information on individual transactions before you record the transaction.

Contact Log view

You can keep track of contacts for all cards using the Contact Log view. You can choose the name of the contact -- you may have up to five contacts since you can enter a contact for each location -- and track the amount of time you spend with each one. Use the last contact date information you enter here to locate card information using the Advance button on the Cards List window. For more information, see the Business Contacts Overview.

Jobs view (customer cards)

The Jobs view will show the jobs that are linked to the card. You may want to view your jobs in this way if you have many jobs, but want to view a complete view for one customer. For more information about jobs, see Jobs Overview.

History view (customer, vendor and emplyee cards)

When you record sales and purchases, Accounting Plus automatically tracks the history of the transactions for your customers, vendors and salespeople; this information can be valuable in analyzing your sales and purchases, and spotting trends that may need to be addressed. Sales and purchasing history is kept for the current year, next year and up to five previous years. These monthly amounts are used in the Analyze Sales and Analyze Purchases reports.

If you wish, you can enter your monthly sales and purchasing history for each of your customers, vendors and salespeople for the months before you started using Accounting Plus. Enter this information in the History tab of the Card Information window if you want to be able to print reports comparing your monthly sales and purchases from each customer, vendor and salesperson with last year’s sales and purchases.

Warning: If you change a card’s history Accounting Plus uses the figures displayed in the History tab on some reports. If you change a card’s history in this window, keep in mind that the change you make may not accurately reflect your actual totals.

Use care when making changes to the amounts displayed in this window. If you make a change and then want to use the previous amount, Accounting Plus can’t automatically reconstruct the monthly totals.

If you want to track sales history for an employee, be sure to enter the employee’s name in the Salesperson field of the Sales window whenever you enter sales in which the employee participated.

An important procedure to perform after creating customer and vendor cards

After you create your customer and vendor cards, to ensure your accounting records are accurate, you must enter all your customers’ historical sales and your vendors’ historical purchases. Historical sales and purchases are the sales and purchases that had a current balance due on the first day of the month in which you began using Accounting Plus. (This month is known as your conversion month. To learn your conversion month, choose Company Information from the Setup menu.) The total balance of your historical sales is considered your receivable balance. The total balance of your historical purchases is considered your payable balance.

During the setup of your customer card or vendor card -- in Step 6 -- you may have entered monthly sales totals for your customers and vendors for the months that occurred before you began using Accounting Plus; that information is useful for reporting purposes, but is optional. The historical sales and purchases you enter after the customer or vendor card is created are different -- they’re sales and purchases that your customers and vendors made before you began using Accounting Plus but haven’t fully paid off yet. Because your customers still owe you money for their purchases and you still owe vendors for your purchases, it’s important that you record these sales and purchases in Accounting Plus. This step isn’t optional.

In the Historical Sale window, you’ll enter all of the information that applies to the historical sale or purchase. When you reach the Total Including Tax, be sure to enter the remaining amount of the sale or purchase, not the original amount. Also select the tax code from the Select from List; the tax portion of the total amount remaining will display. The tax amount will be reflected on sales tax reports.

Click below for the step-by-step procedure:

Changing, removing or inactivating cards

You can easily change information about a customer, vendor, employee or personal card. A card can be removed only if no transactions or recurring templates are assigned to it.

If you have cards that you create for a one-time sale or purchase, for example, inactivating them after their one-time use will remove them from the selection windows. Your list of cards will be shorter, and selecting the card you need will be easier.

If a card is marked as an inactive card, however, you may still use the card in transactions by manually entering the card name. Inactive cards will still appear in the Cards List window. You can also return the status of the card to active so that it will appear again in the selection windows. No matter what the status of a card -- active or inactive, transactions recorded using the card will still affect all of your financial records. Use the Card File (Summary) and Card File (Detail) to display and print card information with or without inactive cards.

Note: You can’t remove a card with transactions assigned to it.

Cards Overview