
Sales Easy Setup Assistant—Set up payment information
Use this window to select the default payment information that will be used when creating new cards for your customers. You can choose to change this information for each customer and each sale that you record.
Field Descriptions
Payment is Due. Indicate when customers' payments are due to your company. Choose from the following options:
Discount Days/Date. If you offer a discount for early payment, enter the number of days the discount is available. (This is the number of days after the transaction date during which the discount applies.) For example, if the transaction date is April 20 and the number of discount days is 10, a discount would apply if the balance was paid on or before April 30.
If you select a day in the month that comes before the transaction date, the discount will apply until that day in the next month. For example, if the transaction date is April 20 and the discount date is 19th, a discount would apply if the balance was paid on or before May 19.
Balance Due Days/Date. Enter the number of days after the transaction date that the balance of the transaction is due. For example, if the transaction date is April 20 and the number of balance due days is 10, the balance must be paid on or before April 30.
If you select a day in the month that comes before the transaction date, the balance won't be due until that day in the next month. For example, if the transaction date is April 20 and the balance due date is 19th, the balance must be paid on or before May 19.
% Discount for Early Payment. Enter the discount percentage you offer to your customers, if any, if they pay a transaction balance on or before the transaction's discount due date.
% Monthly Charge for Late Payment. If you charge for late payments, enter the percentage of the transaction you'll charge your customers if individual transactions' balances aren't paid by the transactions' balance due date.
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