The Job Reimbursable Expenses window displays information about your reimbursable expenses for a particular job. Using this window, you can determine which expenses have been reimbursed and which ones you still need to enter invoices for.
This column displays the descriptions of the items or services that are considered reimbursable or reimbursed expenses. Click the zoom arrow next to an item or service for more information about the purchase of the item or service.
If you're viewing the To Be Reimbursed view of this window, the report will show expenses for which you haven't been reimbursed yet. If you're viewing the Reimbursed/Removed view, the report will show expenses for which you've already been paid.
Click OK to accept the entries you’ve made in this window.
For each selected expense, when you click Remove from list, the selected expenses moves to the other tab (either To Be Reimbursed list or Reimbursed/Removed).