A word about how the type of the record affects importing and exporting

Importing and Exporting > A word about how the type of the record affects importing and exporting

In MYOB BusinessBasics, a record is a collection of information about individual parts of accounting data. For example, information about a single customer or a single sale is stored as a record. When importing and exporting, information is separated into two types of records: fixed-length records and variable-length records.

Fixed-length records

In the first type of record, all information for a single record is contained in one line. The information is separated by a choice of tabs or commas, and an enter or return character is entered to indicate the end of a record. Accounts, items and cards are records that are contained in one line.

Here is an example of a tab-delimited import file for accounts. Notice that one paragraph symbol (representing the enter or return character) separates each account record.

Acct # ->

Account Name ->

Balance ->

Checking Privileges¶

11100 ->

Checking Account ->

$5,200.00 ->

16100 ->

Vehicles, Orig. Cost ->

$32,000.00 ->

23100 ->

Accounts Payable ->

$21,000.00 ->

Variable-length records

In the second type of record in BusinessBasics, information for a single record consists of a variable number of lines. The information is separated by a choice of tabs or commas, an enter or return character is entered at the end of each line and an additional enter or return character indicates the end of the record. Sales and journal entries are records that consist of a variable number of lines.

Here is an example of a tab-delimited import file for sales. Notice that one paragraph symbol (representing the Enter or Return) indicates the end of each line of the sale and that an additional paragraph symbol indicates the end of each record.

Journal #->

Date ->

Account Number ->

Debit Amt ->

Credit Amt ->


000003 ->

10/1/00 ->

13000 ->

$9,000.00 ->


000003 ->

10/1/00 ->

13000 ->


$9,000.00 ->

000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

13000 ->

$1,567.50 ->


000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

13000 ->

$78.38 ->


000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

41200 ->


$1,567.50 ->


000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

25000 ->


$78.38 ->

000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

52000 ->

$999.96 ->



000008 ->

11/12/00 ->

12200 ->


$999.96 ->

Having an incorrect number of enter or return characters can cause all of your records to be imported as one long record instead of individual records.

If you're importing information that was exported from another MYOB software company file, the correct number enter or return characters was entered in the file during the export process.

If you're importing information from another software program, be sure the file has the correct number of enter or return characters for each type of record. If it doesn't, you may want to open the file using a text editor (such as SimpleText) or a word processing or spreadsheet program and insert the correct number of enter or return characters.