
Field Descriptions
Select whether the data you are importing is saved in a tab-delimited or comma-separated file format. In a tab-delimited file, the data is separated by tab spaces. In a comma-separated file, the data is separated by commas.
Select whether the first record in the export file is a header record or a data record. If the first record in your export file contains the field names, select Header Record. If the first record in your export file contains data, select Data Record.
Depending on the data you are importing, you can choose to reject data that already exists in your company file, update the existing records and transactions with the data you are importing, or add duplicate records.
This field is only available when you are importing cards, sales, purchases, activity slips, timesheets, disbursements and receipts. It is also available when importing Reminder Logs, but with only two choices—Card and Reminder Log Record ID.
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