Applied debit memos can now appear on supplier payment checks

In MYOB AccountEdge, you now can automatically apply outstanding debit memos to bills while you’re creating vendor payment checks, and if you choose, the debit memo information will appear on the checks’ stubs.

In the Vendor Payments window, if you select a vendor who has outstanding debit memos and you’ve marked the “Warn if Vendor Owes Me Money Before Making a Vendor Payment” preference, an alert message will appear.

You can make any of the following choices:

  • If you don’t want to settle the debit memos now, click Cancel to display the Vendor Payments window.
  • If you want to apply all debit memos to your bills, beginning with the oldest ones, click the Apply Debits button. The debit memos will be applied, and any unpaid bills will appear in a list in the middle of the Vendor Payments window, ready to be paid.
  • If you want to choose the bills that will be paid with the debit memos, click the Open Register button. The Purchases Register window will open; choose the debit memo you wish to apply and click the Apply to Purchase button to open the Settle Returns and Debits window, where you can apply the debit memo to whichever bill you like.
Displaying applied debit memos on check stubs

If the debit memos you’ve applied only partially pay for a bill, you can include the debit memos on the stub of the check you use to complete payment for the bill. To do this, you must create and use a customized check format. Briefly, here are the steps you need to follow to create the custom format:

  1. In the Checkbook Command Center, click Print Checks to display the Forms Selection window for Print Checks.
  2. Click the Customize button to display the Customize Checks window.
  3. Choose Stub Layout - Payable from the Form menu
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the check stub layout, and locate the [YTD Debits] field. You may have to scroll to the right to see it.
  5. Drag the [YTD Debits] field to the location you want on the stub layout, and rearrange any other fields if you need to do so.
  6. Double-click the [YTD Debits] field to display the Field Information window.
  7. Mark the Active option and click OK.

If you need more information about creating and using customizing forms, please see Customizing forms.

Printing a list of fully paid bills and the debit memos applied to them

If you’ve fully paid one or more bills using debit memos, you can print the Bill Inquiry report to show the bills that have been paid and the debit memos that were used to do so. You can send a copy of this report to your vendors if you like.

Follow these steps to print the Bill Inquiry report:

  1. Choose Index to Reports from the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Purchases tab.
  3. Locate the Bill Inquiry selection and highlight it.
  4. Click the Filters button and select the bill, vendor or other filters to limit the information that will be included on the report.
  5. Click Print.



Applied debit memos can now appear on bill payment checks