To install your tax update

Important! Before installing the tax update, be sure to read the instructions that accompanied your update. They may contain important information about the update that isn’t included here.

Checking Your Tax Tables

  1. Insert the enclosed MYOB AccountEdge CD into your computer’s CD drive. An MYOB window appears with an MYOB AccountEdge icon within it. Double-click this icon to start the installation program.
  2. An introductory window appears after a few moments. Click Continue.
  3. A window explaining MYOB AccountEdge appears. Read this information (you can print it if you want), then click Continue.
  4. A window displaying the MYOB AccountEdge software license agreement appears. Read the information in this window carefully, since it explains your legal rights and obligations in using MYOB AccountEdge. If you agree to the terms of the licence agreement, click the Agree button and continue installing MYOB AccountEdge. If you don’t agree to the terms of the licence agreement, click the Disagree button; the installation process stops.
  5. A window that allows you to select installation options appears. Easy Install is the default installation option, which is recommended. Click the Install button.
  6. A dialog box appears, allowing you to select the folder where you’d like to install the MYOB AccountEdge update. (This dialog box works the same as standard “find file” dialog boxes used by other Macintosh programs. If you need help using this type of dialog box, refer to the documentation that accompanied your Macintosh.)

    Using the dialog box, find the folder where your existing MYOB AccountEdge program files are located. Based on where the MYOB AccountEdge program files are located, you may need to use the pop-up menu in the dialog box to select the correct folder.

    Do not open the MYOB AccountEdge folder. The folder that is open is the folder within which MYOB AccountEdge is located.

    Do not highlight the MYOB AccountEdge folder. If your folder is highlighted in the list, click anywhere in the Install Software Into Folder field and the highlight is removed.

  1. After you’ve found the folder, be sure the folder’s name is displayed in the Install Software Into Folder field at the bottom of the dialog box. If the name in the Install Software Into Folder isn’t shown correctly, edit the name in the Install Software Into Folder field to exactly match the folder’s name. By doing this, you’ll ensure that the new MYOB AccountEdge files replace the old files.

    For example, if your computer’s hard disk is named “My Hard Disk” and MYOB AccountEdge is installed in a folder named “MYOBAccountEdge”:

    The name “My Hard Disk” appears at the top of the dialog box.

    “MYOB AccountEdge” appears in the scrolling list (not highlighted).

    “MYOB AccountEdge” appears in the Install Software Into Folder field.

    When you’ve indicated the correct location, click Install to begin installing the update. (If you don't see an Install button, click anywhere in the Install Software Into Folder field; the Install button will appear in place of the Open button.)

  1. The message “Your Macintosh may need to be restarted after installation is complete. Do you wish to continue?” appears. Choose Yes to continue the installation process. (If you choose No, the installation process will stop.)
  2. The following message may appear: “The following folders may contain customized reports, forms, letters or spreadsheets templates: Custom, Forms, Letters, Spreadsheets. If the installer detects one or more of these folders, they will be renamed with a .OLD extension.”

    This message alerts you that any customizations you’ve made will be saved. If you want to use the customized documents with your updated version of MYOB AccountEdge, you’ll need to move them (after the installation process is complete) from the folder with the .OLD extension into the new folder that will be created during this installation process.

    Click Continue to begin the installation process.

  1. When installation is complete, a message appears informing you that installation was successful. Click Restart to restart your computer.

    If other applications are running on your computer, choose Quit instead. Exit the other applications, then restart your Macintosh manually.

  1. ***IMPORTANT!*** If you are using AccountEdge on more than one workstation on a network, repeat Steps 1 through 10 on every workstation on which AccountEdge is installed.
  2. If you use AccountEdge to track payroll information for your employees, load the newest payroll taxes into your AccountEdge data file(s). For a step-by-step procedure see To load tax tables.

To install your tax update