Printing Overview

Preparing your printer
Preparing your computer
Checking your Macintosh printer driver software
Choosing printer settings that affect all reports and forms
See also Reports Overview - Part 1
See also Forms Overview

If you’ve properly set up your printer and computer, printing reports and forms using MYOB AccountEdge usually takes only a few clicks of your mouse. This section contains important information about setting up your printing environment so you can successfully print your MYOB AccountEdge information.

Preparing your printer

If you plan to print documents on paper using a printer, keep in mind that your printer must be configured properly before the information can be printed. MYOB AccountEdge is compatible with most popular printers, but each type of printer on the market today is different from the next. If you’re unsure about how your computer works with your printer or if you’ve had printing problems in the past, be sure you understand the capabilities of your printer before you attempt to print MYOB documents.

When you’re ready to begin printing:

    a. Be sure that your printer is properly hooked up to your computer.

    b. Turn your printer on.

    c. Load the paper you want to use, and be sure it’s loaded properly.

Preparing your computer

A great deal of the printing process is controlled by software used to send information to your printer. This software, commonly known as printer driver software, is normally supplied by your printer’s manufacturer. Printer drivers play a large part in determining how—and whether—information is printed using your printer. In many cases, printer drivers are already installed on your computer when you purchase it, or are supplied on diskettes when you purchase your printer. Printer drivers are not included in the MYOB software package.

Printer drivers are often the cause of printing problems. If a printer driver isn’t working properly, any number of situations may occur. Some results of printer driver problems include incorrect-looking documents, missing pages, the inability to print multiple copies of a document, and the inability to print altogether.

Occasionally, printer manufacturers update their printer driver software. MYOB AccountEdge is designed to take advantage of the most recent printer drivers; as a result, if you experience printing problems, your printer’s printer driver may not be up to date.

Idea: Another possible culprit—your fax software

If you send faxes using your computer, the software used to send those faxes may cause printing problems. If you’re sure your printer drivers are installed and up to date, contact your fax software’s manufacturer for information about possible incompatibilities between their software and your printer driver software.
Checking your Macintosh printer driver software

Printer drivers are located in the Extensions folder inside your Macintosh’s System Folder. If you’re having printing problems, check the Extensions folder to be sure a printer driver for your printer exists.

If a printer driver exists, check the Chooser to be sure your printer is selected. If printing problems still occur, you should consider contacting your printer’s manufacturer for information about their printer driver software for your printer.

If a printer driver doesn’t exist, you probably need to reinstall a printer driver.

More information about setting up your printer with your computer is located in the documentation for your computer and printer.

Choosing printer settings that affect all reports and forms

You’ve got a number of options within MYOB AccountEdge with which you can personalize your printed documents, as well as the process by which you print reports and forms. Some options can be chosen that affect all reports and other options can be chosen that affect specific reports.

The following printer settings affect all reports. See Choosing settings for a specific report in the Reports Overview for information about choosing settings for specific reports. See Customizing forms in the Forms Overview for information about choosing settings for specific forms.

Choosing page setup options

The selections you make in the Page Setup window determine how your documents will look on paper and on the screen.

The Page Setup window varies, depending upon the printer and printer driver software you use. Usually, however, these windows allow you to choose options such as your page orientation, paper size and print quality.

Note: A word about page orientation

All MYOB AccountEdge reports are designed to fit in portrait mode—that is, on a piece of paper whose height is greater than its width—on your printer. If you change some report settings, such as page orientation, font or font size, an alert message may appear, explaining that you can’t print the report using the current report settings. To print the report, you must make some changes to the report. Usually, this situation is remedied by changing the page orientation in the Page Setup window.

Click below for the step-by-step procedure:

To choose page setup options

Choosing a default font for reports and forms

You can choose to use any fonts that are installed on your computer for your reports and forms. If you wish, you can set up a single font to use for all reports and forms you print, or you can designate specific fonts for individual parts of each report or form.

Every report and form in MYOB AccountEdge is assigned a default font—that is, a font that’s automatically designated for your use by MYOB AccountEdge—when you begin using a new data file. Until you change the default font, the default font assigned when you created the data file will be the default font for all your reports and forms.

Warning: Onscreen fonts may look different when they’re printed

Keep in mind that some fonts appear less clear on printed documents than when they’re displayed on your computer screen. In most MYOB AccountEdge windows where fonts are chosen, information about a font’s probable print quality is provided when you select the font.

Click below for the step-by-step procedure:

To choose a default font for all your reports and forms

Printing Overview