Enter multiple terms with a space between them. The Learning Center's search tool searches for any instance of each term in the list. Search terms are not case sensitive. You can enter terms in any combination of upper and lower case. Terms may include any of the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - . ' , $ %. Place a plus sign (+) in front of each word that must appear in the results. For example, if you enter +printer +cartridge +maintenance, the search tool will find all pages that have all three words in them. Note that the three words may not necessarily be adjacent to each other, but they will be in the same page. Place a minus sign (-) in front of words that you do not want to appear in the results. For example, if you enter +printer +cartridge -maintenance, the search tool will find all pages that have the words "printer" and "cartridge" but not "maintenance." Common words (a, an, the, etc.) are excluded from the search index. |
* Keep this window open to keep the search index in the memory cache. |