Fields in this window

Tax Information window

Code column

This column displays the tax code assigned to the current transaction. If the assigned tax code is a consolidated tax, all the components display, each in a separate row.

Rate column

This column displays the tax rate associated with the tax code displayed in the Code column.

Tax rates are assigned to codes in the Tax Code Information window.

Taxable Amount column

This column displays the subtotal of the transaction on which the tax amount is based.

Tax column

This column displays the amount of tax assigned to the current transaction. This amount is determined by multiplying the tax rate by the subtotal of the transaction.

If you wish to change the tax amount, you can do so. After you’ve changed the tax amount, click the OK button.


This field displays the total of all amounts in the Tax column.

Recalculate button

Click this button if you want to recalculate the tax amount based on the tax code displayed in this window. The tax amount will return to its original amounts.

Use this button only if you’ve previously changed the tax amount in this window and you want to return the amount to its original amount.

OK button

Click this button when you’re done viewing the information in this window, or when you’ve changed the amounts in the window and want to record your changes.

Fields in the Tax Information window