Fields in this window

Forms Selection window - Print Sale Forms

Form Layout

Select a type of sale form - Service, Item, Professional, Time Billing, Packing Slip (Service), Packing Slip (Item), Packing Slip (Professional), Labels (Service), Labels (Item), or Labels (Professional) or Labels (Time Billing) - to restrict the list of sale forms you want to print.

You can further restrict the list of sale forms by making entries in the other fields in this window.

Sales Status

Select a sales status - Open, Credit, Closed, All Invoices, Orders, Quotes, All Sales - to restrict the list of sales you want to print.

You can further restrict the list of sales by making entries in the other fields in this window.

Unprinted or Unsent Sales Only

Mark this selection if you want to select only the sales you haven’t printed yet.

If you marked the Already Printed or Sent selection in the Sales window for any sales when you created them, those sales won’t be printed.

Sales Dated From/to

Mark this selection and enter a range of dates if you wish to print forms for a specific time period.

Invoice Numbers Between/and

Mark this selection and enter a range of invoice numbers if you wish to print a specific set of sales.

Selected Form for Sale/Packing Slip/Label

Select the form layout you use to print sales, packing slips or shipping labels, depending upon your selection in the Invoice Type field. You can choose one of the following standard form layouts or any of the custom form layouts you may have created for your documents using the Customize window for the type of document you've selected.

PRE-PRINTED INVOICE: Choose this selection if you wish to print sales on paper that already has the lines drawn on it. When you print the sale, only the sale information will be printed.

AccountEdge’s PLAIN PAPER INVOICE: Choose this selection if you wish to print sales on paper without lines already drawn on it. When you print the sale, lines will be drawn with the sale information.

PRE-PRINTED PACKING SLIP: Choose this selection if you wish to print packing slips on paper that already has the lines drawn on it. When you print the packing slips, only the sale information will be printed.

AccountEdge’s PLAIN PAPER PACKING SLIP: Choose this selection if you wish to print packing slips on paper without lines already drawn on it. When you print the packing slips, lines will be drawn with the sale information.

2.75” by 4.25” LABELS: Choose this selection if you wish to print labels of this size.

2.875” by 1” LABELS: Choose this selection if you wish to print labels of this size.

Print Alignment Forms

Click this button to print a sample sale, packing slip or page of shipping labels that allows you to determine whether the documents loaded in your printer are positioned correctly for printing.

Before you begin printing, remember to load the blank documents in the appropriate printer. When you click this button, the Print dialog box for your computer will appear; click OK to print the alignment documents. If the position of the documents is incorrect, adjust the documents and print another alignment document. You can print as many alignment documents as you like.

Customize button

Click this button to display the Customize window for the document you selected in the Invoice Type field, where you can adjust the location of various parts of your documents.

Cancel button

Click this button to close this window without saving any changes you made.

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries you’ve made in this window. The Review Invoices Before Printing, Review Packing Slips Before Printing or Review Labels Before Printing window will appear, where you can review information about each document you selected, as well as choose specific documents to print.

Fields in the Forms Selection window - Print Sale Forms