Fields in this window

To Do List window - Contact view

Name column

This column displays the names of all people you're due to contact. These names appear here if you entered a recontact date for a person in the Contact Log Entry window; the person’s name will appear in this list on the day you entered. Names will remain in the list until you remove them.

Click the zoom arrow next to a contact’s name to open the Contact Log Entry window.

Overdue column

This column displays the number of days that have passed since you were supposed to recontact the people in the list.

Type column

This column displays the type of relationship each person in the list has with your company.

Date column

This column displays the original dates of your contacts with each person in the list.

Recontact Date column

This column displays the dates you were supposed to recontact each person in the list.

Action column

To remove a contact from the list, click the contact’s Action column, then click the Remove button at the bottom of the window.

Print button

Click this button to print the To Do List [Overdue Contacts] report.

Remove button

Click this button after marking the Action column for each person you wish to remove from the list.

Close button

Click this button to leave this window.

Fields in the To Do List window - Contact view