Inquiry Register window - Payroll Category view
Search By |
Choose to display information for either a single category or all pay categories. If you choose to view a single pay category, a lookup list will appear next to this field and you can select the item you want to view. If you want to view more information about the job, click the zoom arrow to open the Deduction Information, Accrual Information, Employer Expense Information, Tax Table Information or Wages Information window, depending on the payroll category. |
Dated From/To |
These fields display the date range in the current month. If you wish, you can enter different dates to view transactions from a different period of time. |
Advanced button |
Click this button to open the Advanced Inquiry Filters window, where you can make a number of selections that will enable you to narrow the transactions in the Inquiry Register window to only those that you wish to see. |
ID # column |
This column displays the identifying numbers of the transactions in the list. These numbers were entered in the ID fields of the windows in which you entered the transactions, such as Check #, PO # and Inventory Journal #. If you wish to view the window in which a specific transaction was entered, click the zoom arrow next to the transaction’s ID #. |
Src column |
This column displays the abbreviations of the source journals for the transactions in the list. The abbreviations that can appear in this column include: CR Cash Receipts Journal |
Date column |
This column displays the date each transaction in the list was recorded. |
Acct column |
This column displays the account number for each transaction in the list. |
Memo column |
This column displays the descriptions of each transaction in the list. This description is typically entered in a Memo field in transaction entry windows. |
Expense/Accrual columns |
These columns display the amounts of expenses and accruals for each of the transactions in the list. |
Job column |
This column displays the jobs to which the transactions in the list are assigned. |
Total Expenses/Accruals |
These fields contain a summary of expenses and accruals for the time period you specified at the top of the window. This information only appears if you choose an individual payroll category. |
Print button |
Click this button to print the Payroll Category Inquiry report. |
Password Lock icon |
This icon indicates there is information not displayed due to restricted access set on the user’s password. This applies only to a user with a sub-password in an environment in which multiple users have access to the system. |
Close button |
Click this button to leave this window. |
Fields in the Inquiry Register window - Payroll Category view