Fields in this window

Analyze Receivables window - Summary view

Summary button

When this button is marked, you're viewing the Summary view of the Analyze Receivables window.

Customer Detail button

When this button is marked, you're viewing the Customer Detail view of the Analyze Receivables window.

Sale Detail button

When this button is marked, you're viewing the Sale Detail view of the Analyze Receivables window.

Analysis column

This column displays the customers in your Card File with an outstanding sales balance. To list the sales for a particular customer (the Customer Detail view), click the zoom arrow next to the customer's name.

Card ID column

This column displays the information from the Card ID field in the Profile view of the Card Information window.

Total column

This column displays the total outstanding balance for each customer that has an outstanding balance.

Aging columns

These columns display the number of days the amount in the Total column has been due. If you wish to change the aging periods, choose the days using the Reports & Forms view of the Preferences window.


Totals of all the entries in the Total column and Aging columns appear here.

Aging Percent

The percent that each of the Aging column totals represent of the total of all receivables appears here.

Print button

Click this button to print the Aged Receivables [Summary] report.

Filters button

Click this button to open the Aging Date - Analyze Receivables window, where you can change the type of information that’s displayed in this window.

Close button

Click this button to leave this window.

Fields in the Analyze Receivables window - Summary view