Fields in this window

Analyze Sales window

The fields and buttons in this window change depending upon the selections you make in the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window. You can view amounts for items, customers and salespeople.


This field displays the month or range of months you selected in the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window. If you selected Last Year’s Actuals Only in the Analysis Selection window, months displayed are from the previous fiscal year. All other selections in the Analysis Selection window will display months in the current fiscal year.

To display a range of months, in the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window, click the first month in the range and then, holding down the mouse button, move the arrow over the months until you have selected the range of months you wish.

List of item names and numbers/customers/salespeople

Displays the item names and numbers of the items in your Items List, customers and salespeople in your Cards List.

List of amounts

The list displays the amounts associated with each of the items, customers or salespeople in the list on the left side of the window.

The names of the columns and the amounts that appear in this list depend upon the buttons you’ve selected at the bottom of the window and the selections you made in the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window.

Print button

Click this button to print one of the following reports, based upon the buttons you’ve selected at the bottom of the window and the selections you made in the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window.

Analyze Sales [Activity]
Analyze Sales [Activity - FY Comparison]

Analyze Sales [Activity Spreadsheet]

Analyze Sales [Activity - FY Comparison]

Analyze Sales [Activity Spreadsheet]

Analyze Sales [Customer]

Analyze Sales [Customer - FY Comparison]

Analyze Sales [Customer Spreadsheet]

Analyze Sales [Item]
Analyze Sales [Item]
Analyze Sales [Item - FY Comparison]

Analyze Sales [Item Spreadsheet]

Analyze Sales [Salesperson]

Analyze Sales [Salesperson - FY Comparison]

Analyze Sales [Salesperson Spreadsheet]

Filters button

Click this arrow to open the Analysis Selection - Analyze Sales window, where you can change the type of information that’s displayed in the Analyze Sales window.

Profit (dollar amounts) button

Click this button to display gross profit (sales minus cost of sales) in dollar amounts.

Margin (percentages) button

Click this button to display item profit margins (cost of sales as a percentage of sales).

Avg. Cost button

Click this button to display item sales, number of units sold and average costs per unit.

Sales (pie chart) button

Click this button to display a pie chart of items as a percentage of total sales.

Available for item analysis only.

Profit (pie chart) button

Click this button to display a graph of items as a percentage of total profit.

Available for item analysis only.

Sales (bar graph) button

Click this button to display sales totals in a bar graph.

The bars allow you to view sales totals by month. The height of a bar indicates a month's total sales amount.

You may choose to compare sales totals by month for the current year and the previous year. The length of a bar displays a month's total sales amount vertically. The left bar in a pair represents a sales total for a month of the current year. The right bar in the pair represents a sales total for the same month of the previous year.

Available for item analysis only.

Sales (dollar amounts) button

Click this button to display the dollar amount difference in sales between last year and this year.

Units (numbers) button

Click this button to display the number of units difference in sales between last year and this year.

Profit (dollar amounts) button

Click this button to display the dollar amount profit difference in sales between last year and this year.

Profit (bar graph) button

Click this button to compare profit amounts in a bar graph.

Pairs of bars are arranged horizontally. They allow you to compare total profit amounts by month for the current year and the previous year. The length of a bar displays a total profit amount vertically. The left bar in a pair represents the total profit for a month of the current year. The right bar in the pair represents the total profit for the same month of the previous year.

Available for item analysis only.

Sales (percentages) button

Click this button to display the percentage difference in sales between last year and this year.

Units (percentages) button

Click this button to display the percentage of units difference in sales between last year and this year.

Profit (percentages) button

Click this button to display the percentage of profit difference in sales between last year and this year.

Margin (percentages) button

Click this button to display the profit margin difference in sales between last year and this year.

Close button

Click these button to leave this window.

Fields in the Analyze Sales window