Fields in this window

Contact Log Entry window


Enter the name of the person or company whose contacts you wish to create or edit. To view a list of all the people and companies in your Card File, click the arrow button.

Click the arrow next to the field name to open the Profile view of the Card Information window for the card you selected.


Enter or select the name of the person contacted.

To see a list of the contacts assigned to this card in the Profile view of the Card Information window, click the arrow. Using the Card Information window, you can assign one contact name for each address.


Enter the date this contact was made.


Enter a description of the contact, using up to 255 characters.

Elapsed Time

You can enter the duration of the contact if you like. If you bill for time spent with customers, you can use this field to track your time billing.

You can make your entry in either HH:MM format (where HH is the number of hours and MM the number of minutes), or by entering the total number of minutes the contact lasted. If the total number of minutes is 60 or larger, the field will convert the number to an hourly format (for example, 61 minutes will appear as 01:01).

Recontact Date

Enter the next date you should contact this person or company, if appropriate.

On the date you’ve specified, a reminder will appear in the Contact view of the To Do List window, alerting you to recontact this person or company.

Log button

Enter a card name in the Name field, then click this button to open the View Contact Log window, where you can view a summary list of all contacts made to the selected person or company.

New button

Click this button to make a new entry in this window.

Record button

Click this button to record the transaction you’ve made in this window.

Cancel button

Click this button to clear any entries you’ve made and close the window.

Fields in the Contact Log Entry window