Fields in this window

Card Information window - Selling Details view

A/R Balance

This field displays the current outstanding balance of the sales for the selected customer. To open the Analyze Receivables window and view a summary list of the transactions that make up this balance, click the zoom arrow.

Sale Layout

Choose the sale layout that will be displayed when you enter a quote, order or invoice for this customer. The choices are Service, Item, Professional, Time Billing and Miscellaneous. You can choose a different layout for individual transactions if you need to.

If you choose No Default, the sale layout you selected for new customers in the Easy Setup Assistant will be used.

Printed Form

If you use a particular preprinted or customized form for the sales documents you create for this customer, you can specify that form here. Click the Select from List arrow to see a list of all the forms available for the sale layout you’ve chosen.

This field doesn’t appear if you chose No Default or Miscellaneous in the Sale Layout field.

Item Price Level

If you’ve set up multiple price levels for the items you sell, choose the price level that will be used for this customer.

Income Account

Choose the income account that will be used to track sales made to this customer.


Choose the salesperson who is assigned to this customer. Click the Select from List arrow to see a list of all your employees.

Sale Comment

Choose a comment that will appear on invoices for this customer. Click the Select from List arrow to see a list of all the standard comments that have been set up for your company.

Shipping Method

Choose the shipping method you’ll use most often for orders shipped to this customer. Click the Select from List arrow to see a list of all the shipping methods that have been set up for your company.

Customer Billing Rate

If you use AccountEdge’s time billing features and you’ve established an hourly billing rate for this customer, enter that rate here. This rate can be used to calculate the charges on the customer’s activity slips.

Credit Limit

Enter the credit limit you’ve set for this customer.

Available Credit

This customer’s available credit is displayed, based on the customer’s credit limit and accounts receivable balance.

Currently Past Due

If the customer has an amout on account that is past due, that amount is displayed. This amount is calculated using the credit terms selected for each sale made to the customer.

Tax ID Number

Enter this customer’s tax ID number.

Tax Code

Use this field to specify the sales tax code that applies most often to sales made to this customer; this sales tax code will appear as the default entry for all transactions entered for the customer. If you wish, you can change the sales tax code for individual transactions as you enter them.

Tax On Freight

Use this field to indicate whether or not freight charges to this customer are taxed. If you wish, you can change this selection for individual transactions as you enter them.

Customer Terms Information

If the customer is allowed to make purchases on account, enter the terms that will apply most often to those transactions. If you wish, you can change the terms for individual invoices if you like.

When you create a set of default terms using the Credit Terms Information fields here, the terms you select will be applied only to the customer displayed in this window.

If you wish, you can create a set of default terms for all new customers in the AccountEdge system. To do this, open the Credit Terms window by clicking the Terms button in the Sales view of the Preferences window.

Payment is Due

Choose the payment due method that is used for this customer. The choices are C.O.D., Prepaid, In a Given # of Days, On a Day of the Month, # of Days after EOM (End of Month), and Day of Month after EOM.

Discount Days

If you give a discount to customers who pay promptly, indicate the number of days after the sale date that the customer has to make payment, in order to claim the prompt-payment discount.

Balance Due Days

Enter the number of days that are allowed after the sale date before the transaction must be paid. After this period, a late payment charge is assessed.

% Discount for Early Payment

Enter the discount percentage you offer to your customers if they pay a transaction balance on or before the transaction's discount due date.

% Monthly Charge for Late Payment

Enter the percentage of the transaction amount you'll charge your customers if individual transactions' balances aren't paid by the transactions' balance due date.

Volume Discount %

If your company offers a volume discount on items sold to this customer, enter the discount percentage. This discount will appear as a default entry in the Sales window for all the items you sell to this customer.

New button

Click this button to begin entering a new card in the Card Information window.

OK button

Click this button to close this window.

Fields in the Card Information window - Selling Details view