Fields in this window

Item Information window - Selling Details view

Item Number

The item number you entered in the Profile view appears in this field.

Item Name

The item name you entered in the Profile view appears in this field.

Base Selling Price

Enter the price at which you usually sell one selling unit of measure of this item. For example, if you sell cans of soda in cases, enter the price of one case of soda.

This field appears only if the I Sell This Item selection is marked in the Profile view.

Selling Unit of Measure

Enter the method by which this item is packaged when you sell it.

Some typical units of measure include Each, Pair, Case, Gross, Hour and Day. These descriptions are printed on invoices. For example, assume one of your items is a lamp set that’s always sold in pairs; this item could be assigned a unit of measure of Pair. Then, if you sold four lamp sets, you’d sell four pair of lamps, or eight lamps.

This field appears only if the I Sell This Item selection is marked in the Profile view.

Number of Items per Selling Unit

Enter the number of units that comprise the unit of measure you entered in the Selling Unit of Measure field.

The entry you make in this field is used to determine how many items should be subtracted from inventory when you sell one buying unit. For example, if you entered Pair in the Selling Unit of Measure field to indicate that you sell two units of this item each time you sell it, you should enter 2 in this field. Then, for each pair of the item you sell, the quantity of the item will be decreased by two.

If you don’t make an entry in this field, the number 1 will appear as a default.

This field appears only if the I Sell This Item and I Inventory This Item selections are marked in the Profile view.

I Collect Sales Tax When I Sell This Item

Mark this selection if you collect sales tax when you sell this item.

If you mark this selection, sales tax amounts will automatically appear as a default entry on this item’s invoices (unless the customer who buys this item is tax exempt.

Pricing Level label

You can maintain up to six price levels for your items. By default, price levels are labeled A through F, but you can label your price levels in whatever way makes the most sense for your business. For example, if you sell items as both a wholesaler and a retailer, you may have one price level called Wholesale and another called Retail. That way, you can keep separate selling prices for different types of customers.

You can label the pricing levels using the Custom List and Field Names window - Price Levels view, which you can display using the Lists menu.

Quantity Over

Enter the quantity of this item over which you want to assign a new selling price. For example, if you want to create pricing levels for sales of this item in quantities of 25 or more, enter 25 in this field. The first quantity to which you assign a selling price always will be any quantity over 0.00, therefore you can’t change the first Quantity Over entry.

You can set an item’s selling price according to the quantity you enter on an invoice. This is helpful if you provide a discount on sales of a large quantity of items.

You can make up to four different Quantity Over entries. The number you enter in each Quantity Over field must be greater than the number in the Over field to its left.

Pricing Level

Enter the selling price for this item based upon this field’s pricing level and quantity column.

Copy From button

Click this button to copy another item’s pricing level information to this item record. The Select from List window appears, allowing you to choose the item whose information you want to copy.

New button

Click this button to begin creating a new item record.

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries you’ve made and close the window.

Fields in the Item Information window - Selling Details view