To import an MYOB Accountants Office Chart of Accounts

If you haven’t already read the Your Data File Overview, see Importing an Accountants Office Chart of Accounts into AccountEdge for more information.

  1. Make a backup of your data file. See To make a backup to learn how.
  2. Choose Import Data from the File menu, then choose AO Chart of Accounts from the Import Data sub-menu.
  3. A standard “open” window displays. Use this window to find the text (.txt) file that contains the Accountants Office chart of accounts.
  4. Click Open.

    When the import is complete a message will show the number of records imported. If some records were skipped during the import process, or some other event occurred, a message will appear in this window, indicating that the Import Log report was created. This report (titled MYOBLOG.TXT) lists information about any problems that occurred during the importing process, as well as information about rejected records.

To import an Accountants Office Chart of Accounts