Reconcile Accounts window
Account |
Enter the number of the account you want to reconcile, or click the search icon to display a search list of accounts you can select from. After you enter an account number, many of the fields will display current information about the account. |
Last Reconciled Date |
If you’ve previously reconciled this account, the date this account was last reconciled appears in this field. This field is updated with the date you enter in the Bank Statement Date field when you complete the AccountEdge reconciliation process. If you’ve never reconciled this account, no date will appear in this field. |
Bank Statement Date |
Enter the date that appears on your bank statement, or accept the default date, which is the current date. This field will be used to update the Last Reconciled Date field when you complete the AccountEdge reconciliation process. |
New Statement Balance |
Enter the ending balance that appears on your bank statement for this account, or accept the default amount, which is the balance in AccountEdge for this account as of the statement date. If the default amount is the same as the amount on your bank statement, it’s likely that all the transactions in the list below have been recorded by the bank. |
Calculated Statement Balance |
This field displays the calculated balance of the account you entered in the Account field as of the date you entered in the Bank Statement Date field. |
Out of Balance |
This field displays the dollar difference between the amount in the Calculated Statement Balance field (the balance of the account in AccountEdge as of the statement date) and the amount in the New Statement Balance field (the balance of the account according to your bank). The account isn’t considered reconciled until this amount is zero. |
Check Mark column |
This column is used to designate which transactions in the list have been recorded by the bank, as indicated on your bank statement. All transactions with a check mark displayed in this column are marked to be reconciled; if a transaction hasn’t been recorded by the bank yet, click the mark to remove it. If a transaction has been recorded by the bank and a check mark doesn’t appear in this column, click the column to add a check mark. When you complete the reconciliation process, all marked transactions will be removed from the list. |
Check All Cleared Transactions column |
This column displays the unreconciled transactions that you’ve assigned to this account. The list displays only the unreconciled transactions that have a date on or before the bank statement date you specified in the New Statement Balance field. Remember to click the Record button in transaction entry windows such as Customer Payments or General Journal Entry to fully record the transactions you enter before you use this window. |
Deposits column |
This column displays the amounts assigned to receipts transactions in the list. |
Withdrawals column |
This column displays the amounts assigned to disbursements transactions in the list. |
Total Cleared: |
This field displays the totals of:
Print button |
Click this button to print the Reconciliation Report. |
Date button |
Click this button to display all transactions in the list by the dates they were recorded. |
ID # button |
Click this button to display all transactions in the list by the numbers that they were assigned. |
All button |
Click the All button to designate that all of the transactions in the list are cleared. |
None button |
Click the None button to designate that none of the transactions in the list is cleared. |
Bank Entry button |
Click this button to open the Record Service Charges and Interest Earned window, where you can enter the bank charges and interest payments that appear on the bank statement you're using to reconcile your account. |
Reconcile button |
Click this button to attempt to reconcile the calculated balance of this account with the balance shown on your bank statement. AccountEdge will calculate a new balance by removing the transaction amounts that were marked in the list, adding all uncleared withdrawals to the calculated balance and subtracting all uncleared deposits from the calculated balance. AccountEdge will then compare the new calculated balance amount with the amount in the New Statement Balance field. If the new account balance doesn’t match the amount in the New Statement Balance field, an alert message will appear, showing you the amount by which the two amounts differ. When you click OK in this message, the difference will be displayed in the Out of Balance field. If the new MYOB AccountEdge account balance matches the amount in the New Statement Balance field, an alert message will appear, informing you that you can complete the reconciliation process. Click the Reconcile button in this message to remove all transactions that have been recorded by the bank from the list in the Reconcile Accounts window. |
Cancel button |
Click Cancel to close the window. If you’ve marked some transactions to indicate that they are cleared transactions, those marks will continue to be displayed the next time you open the window. |
Fields in the Reconcile Accounts window