To change the size of your labels

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Tips for customizing mailing labels for more information.

Warning: Changes may affect the way you print

Keep in mind that the changes you make to the size of your forms will most likely change the way the mailing labels are printed using your printer.

To change the size of your labels, you must create a custom form layout. Follow these steps to do so.

  1. In the Card File Command Center, click Mailing Labels to open the Forms Selection window for mailing labels.
  2. In the Forms Selection window, choose the form layout of the mailing labels you want to change, then click the Customize button to open the Customize window.
  3. Choose Forms Info from the Form menu to open the Forms Information window.
  4. In the Forms Information window, change the entries in the Form Size fields and click OK.
  5. In the Customize window, click the Save Form As button. The Save As window appears; enter a name and a brief description for the new layout and click OK. (If you selected a custom form in step 1, click Save Form to save your changes without creating a new form layout.)

To change the size of your labels