To print your item numbers on an item purchase

If you haven’t already read the Forms Overview, see Tips for customizing purchases for more information.

  1. In the Purchases Command Center, click Print Purchase Forms to open the Forms Selection window for purchase forms.
  2. Select Item from the Form Layout list.
  3. In the Selected Form for Purchase list at the bottom of the window, select the item purchase form you use.
  4. Click the Customize button at the bottom of the window. The Customize window appears.
  5. Scroll through the window until you locate the field labeled [Vendor’s Item #]. (The field is usually located in the bottom half of the form.) When you find it, double-click it. The Field Information window appears, displaying information about the Vendor’s Item # field.
  6. Mark the Inactive selection. Click OK. The Vendor’s Item # field is now inactive on the item purchase.
  7. Scroll through the Customize window again until you locate the field labeled [My Item #]. (This field is usually located on the far right edge of the Customize window, and may be partially obscured by another field.) When you find the field, double-click it. The Field Information window appears, displaying information about the My Item # field.
  8. Mark the Active selection. Click OK. The My Item # field is now active on the item purchase.
  9. Drag the My Item # field to the location on the form where you want your item numbers to print. (You may want to place the field in the same location where the inactive Vendor’s Item # field is located.)
  10. When you’re finished, click the Save Form As button. The Save As window appears; enter a name and a brief description for the new layout and click OK. (If you selected a custom form in step 1, click Save Form to save your changes without creating a new form layout.)

To print your item numbers on an item purchase