Save Recurring Template window
Name |
Enter a name for this recurring transaction. We suggest you make the name as descriptive as possible, so you can quickly find the transaction in the list of transactions in the Recurring Templates view of the Sales Register, the Recurring Templates view of the Purchases Register or the Select a Recurring Transaction window. |
Frequency |
Select a frequency from the list to determine how often you should be reminded to record this recurring transaction. When you specify a frequency, the recurring transaction will be recorded in your To Do List as a reminder. Your Cash Flow Worksheet will also be adjusted to reflect the future dates in which Spend Money and Receive Money recurring transactions will occur. Depending upon your selection, the Remind Every field - and related fields, possibly - will appear, containing various time frame choices that are appropriate for the selection you made here. If you select Other from this list, this transaction won’t be included as a reminder in your To Do List. |
Remind Every... |
Select the time frame you wish to use, according to the frequency you selected in the Frequency field. Depending upon your selection, various time frame combinations can be entered in this field. Other fields, such as Beginning, may appear to the right of or below this field to help you define the time frame better. |
Cancel button |
Click this button to remove all the entries you’ve made and close the window. |
Save Template button |
Click this button to save this recurring template. |
Fields in the Save Recurring Template window