Fields in this window

Advanced Inquiry Filters window

Search By

Choose to display information for either for a single account (if you’re viewing the Account tab) or all accounts. The selections that appear in this list vary depending upon the tab you’ve selected.

If you choose to view a single account, card, invoice, purchase, job or payroll category, a lookup list will appear next to this field and you can select the account you want to view.

Dated From/To

These fields display the date range in the current month. If you wish, you can enter different dates to view transactions from a different period of time.

This field appears only if you select Bills in the Search By field.

Sorted By

Choose to sort the transactions in the Inquiry Register window by date or by ID number.

Source Journal

Select the journal you want to view, or view entries in all journals in the MYOB AccountEdge system.

ID From/To

Enter a range of identifying numbers of the transactions you want to display in the Inquiry Register window.

Amount From/To

Enter a range of amounts for the transactions you want to display in the Inquiry Register window.


If you know all or part of the memo that was entered or the payee name for a transaction you want to view, enter that text here.

Cancel button

Click this button to remove all the entries you’ve made and close the window.

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries you’ve made in this window.

Fields in the Advanced Inquiry Filters window