Fields in this window

W-2 Employee Information window


This field displays the employee’s name.

If you wish to view more information about this employee, click the zoom arrow to display the Card Information window.


This field displays the address of this employee.

If you wish to change this employee’s address, click the zoom arrow next to the Name field to display the Card Information window, where you can change the address.

Social Security #

This field displays the employee’s Social Security number.

If you wish to change this number, click the zoom arrow next to the Name field to display the Card Information window, then click the Payroll Details tab..

Statutory Emp. / Deceased / Pensions Plan / Legal Rep. / Deferred Comp.

Mark these selections if they apply to this employee. If you're not sure that you should mark any of these selections, or if you're not sure what these selections mean, consult an accountant, an MYOB Certified Consultant, or publications provided by the Internal Revenue Service.

Box # column

This column lists the boxes that can appear on Form W-2s.

Code column

If there is a code associated with a box on the W-2 form, enter it in this column.

Description column

This column describes the contents of each of the boxes on Form W-2.

Amount column

This column contains the amounts or numbers associated with each of the boxes on the W-2 form.

If an amount or number is incorrect, you can change it. When you change an amount, an asterisk (*) will appear next to the amount. The asterisk won’t appear on the printed W-2 form.

Recalc button

Click this button if you changed amounts in the Amount/# column, but want to restore the original entries from your data file.

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries you’ve made and close the window.

Fields in the W-2 Employee Information window