To find a bank deposit for undeposited funds transactions

If you haven’t already read the Receive Money Overview, see Finding, reversing and removing bank deposits of undeposited funds transactions for more information.

Finding Transactions

  1. Click the Inquiry option in any command center. Select the Account tab if it isn’t already selected.

Note: Finding a transaction in the13th period

If you’ve entered a transaction into the 13th period by entering an asterisk (*) in the Date field before you entered the transaction, to find the transaction, place an asterisk before the date when you search for the transaction. For example, if you’re searching for a bank deposit using the Account view of the Inquiry Registers window, be sure to enter an asterisk before the date in the Dated From and To fields.
  1. You have two choices:
    • Use the Search By selection box to select one Account or All Accounts.

    • Click the Advanced button to search using additional criteria, such as the date, amount or memo.

  2. The transaction you’re looking for should appear in the scrolling list.

To find a bank deposit for undeposited funds transactions