Write Paychecks window
Account |
Select the account you want to use to pay this paycheck. If you specified a checking account in the Payroll Linked Accounts window, Payroll Checking will appear as the default selection in this list. The accounts in this list were assigned checking privileges in the Edit Accounts window. |
Balance |
This field displays the current balance of the account you selected in the left corner of the window. If you wish to display the Inquiry Register window to view more detailed information about the account, click the zoom arrow. |
Employee |
Enter the name of the employee who will receive this paycheck, or click the search icon to display a search list of all your employee records. After an employee name is entered in this field, you can click the zoom arrow to display the Card Information window and view detailed information about the employee. |
Payee |
Select the address of the employee that will appear on this check from the list of five possible addresses. The addresses for this employee were entered in the Address, City, State, Zip Code and Country fields of the Card Information window. |
Memo |
Enter a description of the payroll transaction. This description will appear on various AccountEdge reports, as well as the Cash Disbursements Journal. If you change the default memo, we suggest you keep the word "Paycheck" in the memo to remind you of the nature of the transaction. |
Check No. |
Enter the number of the paycheck you wish to print, or accept the default paycheck number, which is one number higher than the last check written from this checking account. |
Date |
Enter a date for the paycheck. Dates that occur before your conversion date or in a prior fiscal year can’t be used. |
Net Pay |
This field displays the net amount that appears on the employee’s paycheck. The amount is calculated by adding the various wages, deductions and taxes that appear in the list in the bottom half of the window. |
Description column |
This column displays the names of all the wages, deductions, taxes and employer expenses that are assigned to this employee. |
Hours column |
Information appears in this column only if the pay basis selected for this employee in the Employee Payroll Information window is hourly. Enter the number of hours this employee worked during the pay period, or accept the default number of hours. The default number was calculated by taking your entry in the Number of Hours in a Full-Time Work Week field of the General Payroll Information window and multiplying it by the number of weeks in the time period you selected in the Pay Frequency list in the Employee Payroll Information window. For example, if your full-time work week is 40 hours and your pay period is Bi-Weekly (every two weeks), 80 should appear in this column. |
Account columns |
These two columns display the account number and name assigned to the wages, deductions, taxes and employer expenses that appear on the left side of the scrolling list. These accounts were assigned to their categories in the Employee Payroll Information, Deduction Information, Tax Table Information and Employer Expense Information windows. |
Amount column |
This column displays default amounts calculated by AccountEdge for the wages, deductions, taxes and employer expenses for this paycheck. These amounts are calculated based on your selections and entries in the Wages Information, Employee Payroll Information, Deduction Information, Tax Table Information and Employer Expense Information windows. You can change the amounts, if you wish. If you change an amount, other amounts may change, as well, if the other amounts are dependent upon the amount you changed. |
Job column |
If the employee worked on a job that you’re tracking in AccountEdge, enter the number of the job here. Wages and employer expenses are typical payroll categories that often are assigned to jobs. |
Already Printed |
Mark this option if you’re recording a transaction, such as a paper paycheck, that has already been written. |
Save Recurring |
Click this button to open the Save Recurring Template window to create a recurring paycheck template. A recurring template will be saved in a separate “holding area” where you can retrieve the transaction as many times as you want in the future. You can change the information on a recurring paycheck before you record the template as an acutal transaction. Until you record them, recurring paycheck templates have no effect on your financial records. |
Use Recurring |
Click this button to use a recurring paycheck template. |
Print button |
Click this button to print this paycheck. |
Journal button |
Click this button to open the Disbursements view of the Transaction Journal window |
Record button |
Click this button to record the transaction. |
Cancel button |
Click this button to clear any entries you’ve made and close the window. |
Fields in the Write Paychecks window