Click the Inquiry option in the Purchases Command Center.
Click the Bill tab.
To find a vendor debit, you’ll first have to locate the purchase on which the debit was made. You have several choices:
- Choose PO # from the Search By selection box and enter the purchase’s number in the box to the right.
- Use the Search By selection box to choose another way to search -- Bills or Vendor Invoice #.
- Click the Advanced button to search using additional criteria, such as the date, amount or memo.
- Click the Card tab, then enter the name of the vendor whose purchase you’re looking for to find the purchase number. Enter this number in the PO # field under the Bill tab.
Applied vendor debits can be recognized by their source journal code, PJ. Search the ID # column for transactions numbered with PJ prefixes and click the zoom arrow next to the vendor debit you want to view. The Settle Returns & Debits window appears, displaying the original vendor debit.