To receive a refund check (from the Vendor Payments window)

If you haven’t already read the Vendor Debits Overview, see Applying vendor debits and receiving refund checks from vendors for more information.

The Vendor Payments window should be displayed.

  1. Enter the name of the vendor with whom you have the debit. An alert message that reads “You have $XX in outstanding debit memos on file with this vendor” should appear. You have three choices:
    • Click Apply Debits if you want to settle the vendor debit against any open bills with this vendor. The outstanding debit memos will be automatically applied to the oldest bills first. This transaction will be automatically created. You’re done!

    • Click Open Register if you’d like to use the Purchases Register to choose how the vendor debit will be settled. Proceed to Step 2.

    • Click Cancel if you don’t want to settle the vendor debit at this time. You’re done!

Note: The alert message may be different

If you have only open orders in MYOB AccountEdge, the alert message will have two choices: you can use either the Open Register or Cancel options.
  1. A list of the vendor’s debits appears in the Purchases Register; highlight the vendor debit for which you received the refund check.
  2. Click Receive Refund. The Settle Returns & Debits window appears, displaying a transaction in the amount of the vendor debit.
  3. You can record your refund into a designated account or the Undeposited Funds Account. If you select the Deposit to Account option, click the arrow for a list of accounts to choose from. The list consists of accounts that have checkingor credit card privileges.

    If you want, you can change the Undeposited Funds Account by selecting Linked Accounts from the Setup menu. Choose General Ledger to display the General Ledger & Checkbook Linked Accounts window. Enter an account with checking privileges in the Checking Account for Undeposited Funds field.

  1. If you change the Amount Received field’s amount, keep in mind that you can enter an amount less than the original vendor debit amount only. Also, if you choose to do this, remember that the vendor debit won’t be fully settled; the difference between the original vendor debit and the amount you entered in the Amount Received field will remain as a vendor debit.
  2. Enter the vendor’s payment method. You can click the arrow to view a list of options.
  3. Click the Details button to enter additional information about the vendor’s payment in the Applied Payment Details window, if you wish.
  4. Click Record to record the receipt of the refund check.

To receive a refund check (from the Vendor Payments window)