If you haven’t already read the Purchases Overview, see Reviewing your purchase information for more information.
The Analyze Payables window should be displayed.
- Choose one of three options to view the amounts and ages of your outstanding debts in the scrolling list:
- Mark the Summary field if you want a summary of your outstanding purchase balances with your vendors.
- Enter a vendor’s name in the Vendor Detail field for a summary of your unpaid purchases with that vendor.
- Enter a purchase number in the Purchase Detail field to view the transactions that make up the purchase’s outstanding balance.
- Click the Filters button to choose whether you want the aging columns to be based on the date assigned to each purchase or on your credit terms with each vendor.
- Click the Print button to print either the Aged Payables (Summary) Report or the Aged Payables (Detail) Report.
To view the amounts you owe