To find a customer credit after you’ve written a refund check for it

If you haven’t already read the Customer Credits Overview, see Finding, removing and reversing customer credits for more information.

Finding Transactions

  1. Click the Inquiry option in the Sales Command Center.
  2. Click the Card tab.
  3. Choose Card from the Search By selection box and enter the customer name in the box to the right. Change the date range, if needed, to broaden or narrow your search.

    If you’re not sure of the customer name, you can choose All Cards from the Search By selection box. By clicking the Advanced button on the left side of the Inquiry Register window, you can search using additional criteria, such as Source Journal, Amount or Memo.

  1. Refund checks to customers can be identified by their source journal code, CD. Search the Src column for transactions assigned the source journal code CD to find the transaction you want; when you find it, click the zoom arrow next to it. The Settle Returns & Credits window appears, displaying the original refund check.

Keyword: credit invoices

To find a customer credit after you’ve written a refund check for it