New Features > Record of Employment (ROE)
AccountEdge now gives the ability to easily generate a Record of Employment file which can be uploaded to the ROE website then printed for record keeping.
A Record of Employment (ROE) has to be filed whenever an employee either leaves his position of employment or has experienced an interuption of employment. The file generated is used to determine eligibility of Emploment Insurance (EI) benefits. It contains pay details including hours, pay, EI collected, reason for interrution, and date range of employment.
To enter a termination date for employee
From the Card File command centre, click Card List. The Card List window appears.
Select the employee you are preparing an ROE form and click Edit. The Card Information window appears.
Click the Payroll Details tab and enter a Termination Date for this employee. Once the termination date is entered the following fields are displayed:
Termination Reason - Select the reason for termination from the list provided.
Expected Recall - Specify if or when the employee is expected to return. If Date of Recall is selected, enter the expected date in field provided.
ROE Serial Number - Enter the ROE Serial Number issued from previously filed ROE. This field can be used if it is necessary to amend a previously submitted ROE.
Click OK to close the Card Information window. The Cards List window reappears.
Click Close.
To prepare a Record of Employment (ROE) form
From the Payroll command centre, click Prepare Payroll Forms. The Prepare Payroll Forms window appears.
Click OK. The Review ROE’s Before Filing window appears.
Enter the termination date range to display the employee(s) terminated. The employees name will appear in the list.
Click the zoom arrow to the left of the employees name. The Employee ROE Information window appears.
Click OK to accept the information entered. The Review ROE’s Before Filing window reappears.
Click Print for a pdf copy of the file being submitted.
Click Create File to submit the ROE file. The ROE website is opened.

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